Are the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses trained actors?( LOL)

by Joliette 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joliette

    Was watching the faith in action DVD Pt 1, and I'm thinking: these guys honestly seem like there acting!!!! I'm utterly convienced that they COULDNT believe in what they are teaching. COULDNT.

    What do you guys think? Do you think there is some type of training they do. I know their arent just GB members on the video, but these guys (especially the younger GB members) couldnt believe in what they are teaching.

  • Tater-T

    where can I see it .. you talk as if everyone has a copy.. I would love to see


  • factfinder

    I wonder if even just one of those gb idiots REALLY believes what they teach in the Watchtower.

  • Zordino

    LoL, funny post Joliette. Yes I would call actors and even more so they are as Puppet's of the Corportion. Or the Salesmen/Front Men of the Corp which has assets at aprox 15 billion $.

  • factfinder


    How did you arrive at the $15 billion figure for the wts assets?

  • Zordino

    By giving a rough estimate to all the properties(BetHells,kingdum hells, assembley Hells etc) they own around the world (about 8 to 10 billion) They are most likely sitting on 3 to 4 billion in stock,bonds, cash reserves. It is well known that the Newyork Bethel has cash reserves of 2 billion alone. Think about how many countries they are in. And probably some other assets we dont know about. Its just from some things I've read and my own Educated guess. Its in the Least over 12 billion. No one can get an Exact figure for the fact that they have so many various corporate entities (80 corporations that have been confirmed) They have it running like any other corporate giant.

  • Joliette

    LOL @ BetHell, Kingdumb Hell, Assembly Hell.

  • factfinder



    Why do you suppose they have been doing all the cutbacks over the last decade or so: paperback books, g going monthly, two w editions so one does not go to the public thus major cut backs in mag production, consoldating and downsizing branches and now asking for donations using credit/debit cards?

    Perhaps their liquid assets are not so great?

  • freetosee

    where can I see it .. you talk as if everyone has a copy.. I would love to see


    Its a great video! Everybody loves it!

  • Zordino

    factfinder; Its actually a smart business move. They've started cutting back on publications ever since the internet has taken off in the mid to late 90's and has become mainstream. Paper publication's everywhere (not just the Jw's) have been in declined ever since. Today, we can just look up anything on the net. Basically, they are no longer profiting much from publication as they used to. As for selling off buildings, well those assets have gotten as high as they can and they are finding new (more risky) investments in Hedge Funds for example. As for the realestate, its a great scam they've got going with that. They will ask the R & F to donation money to their new venture's ie; the new bethel or new KH's and get the r & f to build it for free... again all the while cashing in on their "Matured" investments such as the properties in Brooklyn and elsewhere. So Basically, Like any other corporation, they make decisions on what to buy and sell based on what will bring them the most profit in the shortest time. Its that simple.

    factfinder, eg; Lets say I get bunch of people to build you a home for free and give you donations for the land and materials so you virtually got the home for free. Afterward, when the market is right, you sell it, pocket the money and uncle sam does not tax you even one cent. Now Lets say you repeat this process all over the world tens of thousands of times spread over a 100 years! How much money would you have???? Think about it.

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