ooh what are feople and why is their poop so funny looking?
California Most Hated State, According To Recent Poll
by Bangalore 64 Replies latest jw friends
@ Mrs Jones: doing ok. It's a busy time of year for me workwise, so that dominates my life ATM. Nothing exciting to report. Yawn.
Say "hi" to everybody.
@ Berengaria: exactly. Ocean is important to me, I have to live by it, I hope I hope. My best friend lives in Washington and we are talking about where we are going to live out our later days. We talked about Oregon, and checked out a few towns by the sea. But we love the arts, libraries, music, theater and need to it to be accessible. So we come back to California. My fave is central coast...who knows...
I lived there for 2 1/2 years and am seriously trying to move back. Hopefully by the end of the year. I LOVE California.
Tweetie, come on over. We always have room for more apostates!
BTS, if you are around the LA area and have any time for a drink, let me know.
Won't be LA. It will be S.F. and environs. But thanks for the offer.