Wow, not seen this before....

by snare&racket 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Wow, not seen this before.....

    How openly ignorant and distasteful. Talking down cancer sufferers and alcohol addicts as wanting wickedness!

    Having a verse from the bible for all the questions apart from....the one in answer to there being a paradise earth.... It's absence just screams out, of course there is not one bible verse that says it.

    The answers to the bible being scientific and why they are opposed is laughable! Birds migrating..... Lol...... Like the bible wasn't written AFTER the pyramids of Egypt lol.

    They say have a bible study and see if you don't learn more about the bible! Well duh! Go ask a Muslim for a study in the Quran and see if you Learn more about the Quran ! What idiotic reasoning! I am genuinely shocked at how crazy it all looks when presented s succinctly! I actually feel good reading it, I hope with all my heart every interested person sees this lol.

    My favourite is that "true science" agrees with the bible lol lol lol lol....

    What a terrible page, I am so glad it exists, anyone reading that will see something crazier than Tom Cruise on a couch.

    Shaking my head in embarrassment..... How on earth did I eat that bat shit !

    Snare xxxx

  • jwfacts

    There is no end of logical fallacies in the Watchtower, and once you are aware of them it is impossible to read almost a single page with grimacing.

    I have never heard a smoker blame God for lung cancer, or an alcoholic for liver damage. The illustration is a strawman argument. People question God for allowing wickedness to affect the innocent.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    The writers of these articles are seriously out of touch with real life.

    I would pity them, if not for the fact that they are destroying millions of people's personal lives.

  • red21

    Ok, having two parents die of lung cancer, and an aunt die over cirrhosis of the liver... I am not trying to defend the WT, but all they really said is that these people have to take responsibility for their actions and that is true. Smoking is bad for you plain and simple. Excessive drinking will cause liver problems. Although, drinking or smoking hardly come on par with dropping bombs or starting wars...pretty sure neither of my parents did that. Also, I don't know of too many people responsible for sort of happens outside your control. So, if the issue is lumping this all together, than I am there with ya!!!!

  • snare&racket

    I'm one year away from my doctor exams, children die of cancer, children can die from cirrhosis due to a viral infection..... The question of god permitting suffering is not answered by talking about people that have been exposed to addictive substances , increasing their risk for cancer. Cancer is a natural occurrence, what they said was deceitful. C ancer happens in animals... Asking why is a good question.. Blaming sufferers is a shit answer.

    They say dying smokers and alcoholics WANT wickedness to exist, where is the connection from an illness (alcoholism) and wickedness? Also were all the smoking early members of the WT wicked ? What about all the closet alcoholics in the congs and bethels?

    I meet these dying people every day, I can put real faces and real names to that obscene paragraph, and it is shamefully disgusting to read.

    God designed cancer amongst the many other beautiful diseases, as a punishment for Adam and Eve's sin. Tobacco came a loooooooong time after. Thank the man made god, he doesn't exist, because if the mind that created cancer as a punishment existed it would itself be wickedness personified.

  • jamiebowers
  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    That is such an ignorant comment. Clearly from someone who hasn't left their compound in some time. So Disconnected

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Imagine a newborn baby with a congenital heart defect. The baby will not survive long unless a surgery is performed. A Dr. Joe in the hospital says that he can perform the procedure... but refuses. He will not perform the surgery because he is angry that the hospital janitor said that Dr. Joe wasn't good enough to do such a surgery. The doctor insisted that he was the very best surgeon and the janitor was full of filthy lies. Dr Joe believes that the only way he can teach the janitor a lesson is to not operate on their child. He insisted that his hands were completely tied because of the accusations of the janitor. The parents plead with the doctor, yet he insists that now is not the time to do the life-saving operation on the baby. He insists that the parents should first go throughout the city telling everyone that he is a very, very good surgeon, and maybe someday very soon the doctor says he will have the accusing janitor thrown into prison. Then the doctor promises that he will finally perform the surgery on their sick baby. The parents rush off to the newspaper and run an expensive full page ad stating, "Dr. Joe is a great man and a life-saving surgeon that dearly loves babies." The parents return to the hospital to find that their baby has just died.

    According to WT, Jehovah won't stop innocent children from suffering and dying horrible deaths because Satan said that God was not a good ruler.

    Do I need to explain the illustration to anyone?

  • harleybear

    Wow what a crock. I too had not seen that article in the WT. As a recovering alcoholic I can tell you that I did want wickedness to end. I no more wanted my condition than to see children molested, wives beaten, women raped, ETC. That line of thinking is just S**T. Are we to assume that the nice family going to the meeting and is killed in a tragic car wreck wanted wickedness? That the failthful sister who was beated to death with a hammer wanted wickedness? That the elders son who was sodomized by fellow classmates in the locker room at school wanted wickedness? REALLY??? Did I miss somthing or was there not a loving provision for the ransom sacrifice for ALL MANKIND??? Or did the GB miss that class? How utterly pathetic. I thank our loving God Jehovah every day that I am out of that horrible place and that I know my Higher Powers love and mercy.

  • Azazel

    Billy thats a great description . I will cut and paste that one if its ok with you. So many to share that with ( my active JW relatives).


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