It makes no sense whatsoever that a" CREATOR" would only communicate with a minority of the population then put the onus on them to convey this life saving message to the WHOLE wide world

by smiddy 182 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Joliette

    Faith is dumb. Just that plain and simple. Faith is not thinking. Its not logical. It also can be dangerous.

  • N.drew
    Faith is dumb. Just that plain and simple. Faith is not thinking. Its not logical.

    What you say Joliette is way too simplified. In my opinion if what you say is true then all Science would be failure.

    Here are some definitions of faith: (Hebrews 11:1)

    Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

    Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

    Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

    Now faith is the assurance that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see exists.

    Faith is needed for experimentation. Look again at the second aspect of faith (assurance of things we cannot see). We can not see the END of an experiment can we? But we TRUST there will be an end, do we not? If we do not, then why experiment in the first place?

  • poopsiecakes

    In my opinion if what you say is true then all Science would be failure.

    Can you name one branch of science that is dependent on faith of any kind? Faith has nothing whatsoever to do with science and here again we have an example of putting unreason on top of reason and logic. Science depends on fact. Based on that fact a hypothesis is formulated, then tested. There is no faith involved.


    Tammy, Thanks for taking the time to analyze my ramblings.

    As for Adam and Eve... they are not what is important. What I am to do, how I am to act and treat my fellow man, who I am to look for to know these things and also for truth to know and to help others with... these things are important.

    This is your personal philosophy and has a lot to do with your basic nature. The humanistic approach is not a religion but a philosophy of kindness towards others and working for the greater good - the opposite of selfishness. You attribute your approach to living, to Jesus. As I have said before, you should take the credit for yourself - but that would spoil all the fun.

    (By the way regarding another thread. In the UK Rumbled = found out)

    I am off out for the evening soon - the next time the clocks strike in the UK it will be 7pm.

    Be seeing you


  • N.drew

    This is what a computer would say.

    Can you name one branch of science that is dependent on faith of any kind? Faith has nothing whatsoever to do with science and here again we have an example of putting unreason on top of reason and logic. Science depends on fact. Based on that fact a hypothesis is formulated, then tested. There is no faith involved.

    All experimentation is done with expectation. "I HOPE to get an answer to my question". And "I TRUST I will". That is not faith in God, which should be understood unsaid. But... you know.

  • N.drew

    Because it is in the Bible it is only about faith in God. I don't think that's true.

    Sorry! Off topic again. I am responding to off topic. I don't know any other way. Clue me in, OK? Please.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Joliette: Faith is not thinking. Its not logical.
    N.drew: In my opinion if what you say is true then all Science would be failure.
    N.drew:Faith is needed for experimentation. Look again at the second aspect of faith (assurance of things we cannot see). We can not see the END of an experiment can we? But we TRUST there will be an end, do we not? If we do not, then why experiment in the first place?

    N.drew, how many cats do you own? Excuse me, how many cats do you keep?

    An educated guess is not the same thing as faith. If you have faith (of the religious variety) that x is greater than y and you draw up a hypothesis and perform an experiment that proves y is greater than x, faith would cause you to ignore the results and continue to assert that x is still greater than y, regardless. You instead might insist that the data was faulty or that we cannot possibly understand it, and that you "just know" your hypothesis is right, therefore it is.

    In science, you follow the evidence, no matter how uncomfortable that may be to your personal beliefs. Are you prepared to relinquish your hypothesis (faith) if the evidence doesn't support it?

    Science does require imagination, though, and that's one aspect it shares with faith. Although in science, imagination is used to dream up ideas which are then tested, whereas in religion imagination is used to dream up ideas which are then believed.

  • N.drew

    That's your stupid definition of faith. We have two adopted cats. I don't like you.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    That's your stupid definition of faith. We have two adopted cats. I don't like you.

    This is quite possibly the best response I've ever elicited on JWN.

  • tec

    By the way regarding another thread. In the UK Rumbled = found out)

    Ah, gotcha. See, here it would be more along the lines of having irritated someone. But I didn't figure that was right coming from you :)

    If you have faith (of the religious variety) that x is greater than y and you draw up a hypothesis and perform an experiment that proves y is greater than x, faith would cause you to ignore the results and continue to assert that x is still greater than y, regardless.

    I believe you are speaking of blind faith here. (or possibly even just faith in the wrong thing, which we all do from time to time) T

    But there is a distinction between faith and blind faith.



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