I now find it idiotic that I could ever beleive the bible to be the inspired word of GOD.....,throughout the bible "GOD"has only dealt with a few of his favoured spokespersons to deliver his messages to a minority populace.Individuals at first,..... then, patriarchs,nomads,a small nation,ignoring all other nations that had sprung up.......,abandoning his chosen nation,sending his "son"to a small nation, only giving them his pearls of wisdom,much of what was not even recorded for prosperity and remember he never wrote a word,it was left up to other imperfect humans to record what he was supposed to have said,just a smidgen......,again ignoring the bulk of humankind keeping them in ignorance of his plan for universal salvation,leaving it all up to imperfect humans to spread this message of salvation, whom he has already condemned for their sinfullness and disobedience.I just find it so unbeleivable
In the 6000 years of recorded history only a fraction of the earths population,maybe less than a third have ever heard of the god of the bible, or his so called plan to redeem humankind ,thats millions and millions of people. ( India,Arabic,Afghanistan,Pakistan etc.etc.)
Even today with modern communications,technology,radio ,television,the internet,computers etc.millions of people do not have knowedge or acsess to christianity the bible, and certainly not jehovah`s witnesses and their message.(which is continually changing )