As a child we do what our parents tell us to do. Or, we are disciplined. We learn to see the world a "certain" way. Our Family Way.
As a youth we go to school and meet other kids who do things differently from our own family.
They have "their" way. Dissonance!! Red Flags!
Suddenly, an outside POV enters our comfortable world view.
CHOICES become possible!
When there is more than one way of looking at things suddenly there are CHOICES that were invisible before that moment of discovery!
You might call it an "education" moment.
One moment the world is clear as black and white and Authority tells us which is which.
The next moment there is more Gray than black or white and Authority suddenly becomes controversy.
In a controlled enviornment there is only ONE WAY and it is automatically the RIGHT way!
In a choice situation things are vastly different!
When there is more than one authority you must find a proper test to divide off "mere opinion" from Fact.
The test of "proper" behavior is INFORMATION and rational examination of FACTS.
Authority must yield to the test of EVIDENCE!
IF IT CHANGES over time IT WAS WRONG. No wonder Authority cringes at any examination of absolutes!
What actually happens when we go off to school is that we are given the TOOLS of learning.
It is like an old Chinese proverb:
Give a man a fish and you feed him for Today.
TEACH a man TO fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
When we learn how to think and do for ourselves we become our own Authority by virtue of rational thinking.
Religiously controlled families do NOT like choices!
Why? The burden for THINKING arises rather than mere obedience!
Choice is a responsibility. Obedience requires only following orders.
Religions denominations who are heavily into Authority and Control (Evangelicals and cults) started clamping down on Public Education when they
noticed their children where learning to THINK and ASK QUESTIONS that were uncomfortable and Fact-based!
Religious Authority is NOT based on reasoning around evidence so much as it is about ACCEPTING the "received wisdom" from leaders.
Mind Control begins with shutting down the Red Flags, the skeptical inquiry and the evidence gathering of autonomous thought.
Religious Authority prefers HOME SCHOOL because the ignorance of the parents and the superstitious basis of belief is more easily defended and inculcated this way.
Did you know there is an entire industry centered around CONTROLLED INFORMATION of a religious nature in Home Schooling?
BEKA books are special Home Textbooks which strongly purify away any Science based learning so as to replace it with "intelligent" design and "bible" based dogma.
In colleges where Orthodox Jews and Rabbincal students attend, did you know special Text Books are given them with ALL MENTION OF EVOLUTION completely removed??
Is it any wonder Jehovah's Witnesses are strongly urged to prevent their own children from entering an academic institution which encourages free thought, evidence based reasoning and an objectivity about FACT based learning?
If you control the curiousity of your young children they are more likely to follow obediently the dictates of your religious prejudices.
After a certain point, the rational mind no longer thirsts for reasons, proof, evidence or rational argument. It becomes skilled at cognitive compartmentalizing: separating things which CONTRADICT fact from things which REQUIRE ABSOLUTE BELIEF.
EVIDENCE is to be treated as though it were a virulent strain of deadly toxins!
What is REALLY wrong with EDUCATION is that it causes a thinking person to demand NON-CONTRADICTORY process to rule their mind.
Contradiction is seen to be a RED FLAG that lies or distortions are present which must be rooted out and removed.
Intellectual Honesty demands NO CONTRADICTIONS between our deeply-held beliefs and the real world.
Demanding an accounting becomes a top priority before any belief is allowed to take root.
The test for an educated intellectually honest person is what, then?
ARE YOU WILLING TO BE WRONG if the evidence contradicts your deepest held beliefs?
You must commit to this course.
Anything other than this is not EDUCATION but DISinformation and propaganda.