Many Car marques are astrological/pagan/sex connection therefore JW must abandon them or walk

by mP 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mP

    Heres something i love to tell JW which nearly always stuns them.

    Nobody would buy a car called the Satan, or if its logo was phallic, or was named after Baal, but the facts are nearly all three of these are present in a vast majority of todays cars. As one can examine there are a lot of things present that a good xians should avoid. In many cases there are puns on names, but still.


    Logo - The central phallus is entering the open vagina wrapped in a circle. SEX


    The logo is Pleiades ASTROLOGY


    The logo is the man or mars symbol and Vulva ^h^h^h volvo. SEX


    Pays homage to the sun or good god of Zorarstianism. PAGAN


    The astrological connection is the logo, the circle is the Sun going over the horizon with NISSAN or NISAN over it. The sun passover occurs in NISAN. LOGO


    Quite a few are astrological, Orion, Meteor, Laser, Galaxy, Falcon=Partner of Horus, Taurus etc ASTROLOGY

    Its easy to do a search and find a few good websites with more examples...

    All of us know Ford motor company, don’t you? It is the largest car manufacturer in the world. Ford’s luxury car was known as Mercury. For years people have enjoyed their ride on Mercury. Mercury, who is Mercury? Mercury is none other than Bhudhan, the first planet, closest to the sun. For the Greeks, Mercury is one of their gods. Mercury completes its year in around 72 days and is known as a fast moving planet. Ford’s Mercury is an equally fast car. In other words, the right name for the right car. The fame that Mercury brought to Ford made the other western car manufacturers very unhappy, since all their brands did not move much in the market.

    The competitors were puzzled, they wondered what went wrong in their designing, for all their cars had all that mercury had (some of them even had some extra accessories too) Then where had they gone wrong? In the second phase of the 1970s the company Buick launched a new car that went by the name ‘Apollo’, who is Apollo? The Sun is known as Apollo in Greek mythology. Buick borrowed the mantra and tantra trick from Ford (unofficially, of course) and a new car was born that blazed its trail on the streets. Dodge launched a new car by name ‘Aries’. Aries means Meda rasi or the first star sign in western astrology. We all know that this product resembles the star sign, Aries. To compete with Aries, a new car by name of Taurus was launched by Ford. Taurus went on to do very good business in the car market. When the Americans were raring ahead, could the British be far behind? The English launched a new car ’Merkur’ which was the answer to Taurus, Merkur in German is ‘Mercury’. In 1988 Merkur was renamed ‘Scorpio’. Scorpio is yet another star sign of the zodiac. In Indian Astrology, it stands for Viruchigam rasi. To make things more interesting Scorpio happens to be the star sign of Germany too. This renaming was part of the marketing strategy, but a strategy with an astrological bent to it, doesn’t this sound fascinating? Very soon, Ford launched a new car to compete with Scorpio. This new car was none other than Aerostar. Aerostar means Aakash Natchatram. Today we also have a Scorpio on Indian roads which is very good and is standing ahead of others in that area. Chevrolet soon launched a product ‘Astrovan’. Again an astrological name. Everyday we see new cars, but do we know how much of effort and deliberation goes into its making and marketing before it hits the road. We spend lot of time in the RTOs office to get a lucky number for our cars. Now we know that our car is already lucky. The foreigner however smart scientist he may be, is in truth, very superstitious. All these facts points to that conclusion. Today we see Open Astra, with an astrological touch. Maruthi took help of Hanuman, so is lucky like Hanuman, the son of Vayu (the wind). What about Easterners? They are also in the car market. Toyota recently got into this astrological touch by naming their car, Toyota Corona, corona is the centre part of Sun. There are so many things that we do not know, these are some of my observations.

  • WTWizard

    Never mind car brands. Are they aware of the astrological connection with basic religion? Are they aware that the calf worship was common during the Age of Taurus, which ended around Moses' day? Or, that rams were sacrificed all the time during the Age of Aries which ended with Jesus? Or, that the fish that Christianity uses all the time coincide with the Age of Pisces? Something tells me that Christianity is going out of date sometime around 2150 AD, with the Age of Aquarius.

    Not to mention the pagan origin of Christianity itself. Numerous other Messiahs were born of a virgin (Virgo) on December 25 (the day the sun is "reborn"). They had 12 disciples (12 signs of the Zodiac), died on a cross (represented by the sun "dying" on the Southern Cross), remained dead for 3 days (the sun is "dead" for 3 days), and getting resurrected (as the sun does on December 25 when it rises from the Southern Cross and heads back northward). The Star of Bethlehem is actually Sirius (not Satan), and the Three Kings are represented by 3 stars lining up with Sirius and pointing to the sun on December 25. Seems all the other "messiahs" share these traits.

    Of course, I still celebrate Christmas knowing that it is worshiping the sun. Without the sun, there would be no life--indeed, the planet would simply go flying out of control and crash into something else instead of being held into orbit.

  • mP


    While i agree the Bible is entirely astro theology, attempting to show any JW is always going to be a challenge and requires at the very least elemental knowledge of some astrological facts. No JW is ever going to let you show them stuff about how the sun stands still around the winter solstice or that the 3 kings are in Orion belt.

    However when you point out the car marques, its an almost instant win, that they just cant get out of. If they honest to their belief system, they at the very least have to throw out their astrological car if they are unlucky and walk. After all correct me if im wrong but if they have a evil car they cant sell it can they ?

  • finallysomepride

    Ford Escort = Well we all know what they are for don't we LOL

  • Chariklo

    Ford Zodiac. They're just brazen!

  • cantleave

    Mercedes - The chosen name for many a hooker or porn star!

  • finallysomepride


    how do you know?

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    If you take away their cars and then demonized coffee they'll go insane!

    Hmmm, maybe that's a good plan.

  • Witness My Fury
  • james_woods

    Not only that, but many cars had Nazi connections -

    Mr. Ford was a real life admirer of German fascism.

    Mr. Ferrari was an evil Nazi sympathizer in Casablanca. Seriously - the real Enzo Ferrari made anti-aircraft guns for fascist Italy during WW2.

    Mr. Porsche was the designer of one version of the Tiger Tank - a real life Nazi sympathizer.

    Rolls Royce is OK (they built the engines for the Spitfire and Mustang) - but, The Flying Lady emblem on Rolls Royces was modeled after the real life mistress of one of the company associates, Eleanor Thornton. She was killed by a WW1 german torpedo while on board a British ship.

    You can drive yourself as crazy as a PETA zealot if you keep thinking about stuff like this to distraction.

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