Lets recall that angel simply means messenger. The accounts in Genesis as i have mentioned present Jehovah as the King and the angels are actually his messengers. The story presented before Noah simply says that the messengers of the King, wanted fun and went around bonking some beautfiul women instead of doing their duty. Thats was their "sin", instead of remaining faithful to the King they started to think about their own lives, what selfih gits. This is but another story about obedience to the King. The problem is of course that we today ignore the simple meaning of angel and have replaced that with an image of floating ghost like things from heaven. If we remember that angels are merely men who send and take messengers from the King to his others, then many other stories make sense. The story of Lot protecting the angels, makes sense, of course 2 ordinary men would be worried against a mob where they are outnumbered. To suggest that beings who can fly to heaven and back have something to wrorr y about from a mob of earth bound men is of course stupid. Another story is that of Jacob wrestling with God or angel of God. Replacing God with King and Angel with man and its obvious the story is not super natural but simply louts wrestling. Wrestlign is a popular sport in many parts of the world, where its a symbol of manhood etc.
The problem in all this is xianity has corrupted the meanings of words in the Bible. Xians paint certain meanings thru tradition which changes everything.