Dear Randy,
Thank you so much for posting your interview with Barbara G. Harrison here.
Would you please be so kind to send this e-mail to Barbara? I think it may give her some comfort. Sincerely, I would like for her to have some peace of mind at this time in her life. I don't have her e-mail address, and I welcome her answering me through my husband's e-mail: [email protected]
Dear Barbara,
I am currently in my tenth year of college, studying to be a writer. I am Philip Allen's wife, Sarah, and I relate in many ways to your experiences, which I have read yesterday online.
Seven years younger than you, I came into the truth with my family in 1952, living on a farm not far from Brooklyn Bethel. Visiting Bethelites were happy to come and breath fresh air on our farm, so we formed wonderful friendships with many from Bethel during their weekend speaking assignments. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since the 1950s. Currently, Philip and I are living in the San Francisco Bay Area, near our dear son.
I attended the Kingdom Ministry School in 1963 and was sent as a missionary to South America, then I continued overseas as a special pioneer and mom, and as a regular pioneer, a total of 15 years service overseas (in different countries) and another 10 years in the USA. My experince is very much like yours as a child. Like you, I also wanted service privileges as a young woman and I had applied for Bethel and then was invited to the KM School, when by the way only congregation servants and circuit overseers were being trained in South Lansing. I went for the month of June, 1963. Our experiences parallel.
Excerpts from your book online reminded me of so many experiences I had. I can relate trying so hard to do everything just the way I would read in the Watchtower. "Do more! Do more!" I did do more and I became physically ill trying to "do more" in the 1960s and 70s. Then one day I read an article concerning wrong-doing. I got done reading and felt bad because I was doing everything right. I felt like what was WANTED from me in that stupid article as a good human being was to do wrong, that to fit in with that article I should go out and do something wrong so they could correct me like everyone else! That's when I started thinking: "Something isn't right here." Then I went through the experience of having an elder become very friendly with our family. He acted like a real good friend. I found out a year later from him, in front of the Presiding Overseer, because I asked for a meeting with them, trying to find out why as a regular pioneer I had never had a shepherding visit- during a whole year! This GOOD friend told me more or less right then that he was sent to spy on me! He had been sent by the P.O. to report back to him every single thing I said. That I should consider his friendliness as my shepherding visits! By the way, I pride myself with being an honest person and that experience just floored me! After that I wouldn't have another thing to do with what the Watchtower brand of politics had become. By the way, speaking of politics, I had heard at one point that the WTBTS had a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. I wonder now if that wasn't true?
I had to study psychology for four years in college to understand what the WTBTS had done to me and to my family. My son was spiritually raped by a congregation committee and my former husband, an elder, let them do it! Not only that he told my son not to get up and leave.
After studying psychology for four years I would need two more years of studies to begin my internship as a clinical psychologist, if I wanted to. I have decided instead to write. I foiund out something you may already had figured out.
Commenting in particular on your experience when the brother "tucked her in" at bedtime, when you were nine years old, I wanted to add that the scenario reminded me of what we studied in psychology about "projection reaction." What I seem to remember from our classes is he sounds like he may have projected toward you, a sweet little kid, what he himself had done under the bed covers. That man appears to have done things under the bed covers HE should have been ashamed of. So, he projected what he did.
I was at Bethel on many visits those years you were there.
Do the best you can to take care of you, Barbara. I cried almost all night, last night, after reading your experiences. I want to thank you for opening my eyes about the anti-Semitism. I hadn't made that particular connection, and now that I have I am very angry that my mind was played with this way.
My heart is with you, Dear One, and my thoughts. The other posts reaching out to you brought tears to my eyes. See, my motivation, like yours was to benefit humanity. The consolation I have for us is that divine vengeance will be brought against the WTBTS. The Scriptures say: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the true God. Also of great comfort is 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, the whole chapter.
Many thanks again for your truly valuable gift to us all in your writings, I am looking forward to hearing that my e-mail reached you. A hug to you Barbara, Sincerely,
Sarah Allen