Are black people more emotional than white people

by barry 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    "My Family is of English decent,.heard of the stiff upper lip? Any emotional reaction or affection between males is considered not appropiate. A hug with my own father would be awkward to say the least. "

    A lack of emotional warmth is not limited to only what you say your race is. Just because my parents happened to be black doesn't mean they were huggy kissy all the time. When I was growing up, especially when my siblings and I became teenagers the showing of affection in my family was practically nil. It was damn cold in my family and we're black! *gasp!*

    With my kids it's different. I hug and kiss them all the time. I tell them I love them every day, which is more than I ever got from my parents. I really don't think you can quantify emotional levels by race. I don't think any one race is any more emotional than any other. And the reason I jumped all over this topic is because the OP decided to focus on one particular group instead of making the question a bit broader. I'm black, if you focus a question on black folks you best believe I'm gonna answer. Funny that some try to discount my answer because I'm black and imply that I'm being too sensitive and go further to imply that I somehow missed the point. Very funny that. If I missed the point maybe it wasn't too terribly clear in the first place.

  • hijosdelawatch

    I was born in a European country where 99% were white, born in the country. So when I was growing up there was no inmigrant at schools, hospitals or even in the neighborhood. Now, it's just the opposite.

    I've lived in both situations and I have to say that there exits REAL cultural differences. Not racial. I mean if a white person grows up in an African culture, he would see African culture as normal.

    In fact, I can see differences between middle-class Spanish congregations and foreign language congregations. Even in Spanish congregations, everyone can see a big difference between Spanish-born brothers and South American brothers. It's very interesting to see that children of these inmigrants born here, start thinking in a similar way Spanish do because they grow up in a very different society their parents did.

    Some Spanish brothers told me the Africans were very 'fundamentalists' in their religious views. And the Africans say the Spanish brothers have a lack of faith. There exists differences because our backgrounds are not the same.

    I know you Americans see the European point of view weird, but just 20 years it was impossible to find someone foreign in the streets with the exception of Britain and possibly France.

  • ohiocowboy

    Boy, You just love to twist things around to make everything about you and say that "they" discounted your answer because you are black. Because you are Black? This again, Really? That race care is so incredibly thin and thread bare that I am suprised that it still has any pizazz left. Persecution complex much??? But, since you brought it up,

    Funny that some try to discount my answer because I'm black and imply that I'm being too sensitive and go further to imply that I somehow missed the point.

    Which "answer" that you posted was discounted because of your skin tone? One of these?

    Oh, you've seen movies about black folks. Ok Yeah Sister Act is a good one. Black lounge singer has to dress up as a nun to avoid getting killed by the mob with a few song and dance numbers in the mix. Yeah, it's a good descripture of black life, I break out in song and dance everyday. It embarrasses the hell out of my children especially when I do it in the grocery store.
    I guess someone has nothing better to talk about.

    Or this one?

    Really? Is this a real topic?

    Or maybe perhaps this one?

    I guess someone has nothing better to talk about.

    How about one of these?

    Hey, I can vouch for that. My brother is a terrible dancer. I think it's because he wasn't raised in the hood.
    Yes, humans are an emotional bunch.
    Yeah and their penises are way bigger...yeah uh they are.
    When I was 21 I had a boss (a white lady) who thought all black folks could sing like Whitney Houston. She volunteered me for a company talent show. Regrettably I had to burst that bubble.
    I'm not surprised by what you just shared. *She says dryly*

    Or the classic

    I dont know but I'm about to breakout in blackface. I just gotta find my tap shoes.

    If I am not mistaken, these are all of the posts that you made on this thread, with the exception of a wordless post sending a flower and smiley to BP.

    So again, which of the above "unemotional" answers are you speaking of when you said "Some" tried to discount your answer because you are black? Which one of those answers that you gave were discounted by the "Some"? How, pray tell, were they discounted? I can see A few jaws hitting the floor maybe, but discounted, and to top it off, because you are Black! Who is the "Some" by the way? You made some big claims and accusations, and I am asking you to truthfully answer. After all, you did say that the "Some" did it because you were black. Please prove your accusations.

    Again, If you are going to accuse, you need to back up your statements, lest it be considered defamation of character.

    Nope, your not sensitive at all.

  • TheSilence

    :::smile::: Hello, ohiocowboy.

  • ohiocowboy

    The Silence, Hello! Hope you are doing well!

  • TheSilence

    Indeed, I am. And I've been stuck in Ohio for 3 months thus far. ;) lol How have you been? I've always liked reading your viewpoints. :)

  • ohiocowboy

    The silence, you have a PM-(or two)

  • doofdaddy

    "It's a real topic for us in Australia as we don't have many African people here. We have the Australian aboriginal people butthey are a different race more related to white people I beleive".

    Are you serious? You must be taking the piss surely.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    ^^^ I think what Barry meant was that the Australian Aboriginals are understood to come from India, and Indians are technically Caucasian. The term Caucasian refers to many peoples, not just blonde, blue-eyed people.

    But if you go back far enough anthropologically speaking, we ALL come out of Africa, so technically we are all Africans anyway.

  • doofdaddy

    Yeah BP I'm aware of Caucasian history But no African people herein Australia? And no understanding of African Americans? C'mon...

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