Did the Global Flood of the Bible really happen? Please give evidence

by The Quiet One 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Even as a child the flood seemed to me like a whimsical but illogical story.

    If you get pushy with a witless, asking too many logical questions, they'll just say Jehovah and Jesus said it happened so it did.

    WOW! I guess science just got it’s walking papers cause we don’t need facts anymore

  • QuiteRational

    We had the 'flood talk' at our KH a few months ago. The visiting brother had a diagram showing how the ark would not have been built on flat ground but against the side of hill. The reason? So Noah could walk underneath the ark and waterproof the bottom!


    Wow, someone has clearly thought this whole ark business through! Clap clap clap.

  • notjustyet


  • Flat_Accent

    Already some fantastic posts here, but they're right. The flood is absolutely ridiculous and flies in the face of all modern science. It's absolutely impossible, unless you imbue an 'all powerful' God. But if that were the case, I'm sure there'd have been a much easier way for him to get rid of nasty people and nasty angels, that didn't require such a giant leap of faith.

    I believed until I read the talkorigins Flood FAQ.

    Also watch some of these videos.






    I hope these are of benefit to you.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan


    My hat's off to you!

    Not only comprehensive but in alphabetical order. Like a true reference.

    I've always had at least 4-5 different, unrelated ways under my belt to disprove the flood, but 18!, WOW....

    -Yan (without a hat in the cold :-)

  • jwfacts

    There would be no fish if there had been a global flood.

    Small changes in water condition kills fish. As anyone that has purchased fish for a tank know, you need to slowly add fish to a new tank so they get accustomed to the new conditions.

    Further, flooding causes fresh water fish to die, as in Australia recently.http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-12-13/thousands-of-fish-die-in-floodwaters/2372224

    Fish researcher Bill Sawynok says they appear to have died in a natural process that occurs during flooding.

    "With the rising flood waters, it's inundated the vegetation which after a few days starts to rot," he said.

    "That actually takes the oxygen out of the water and therefore the fish basically don't have any oxygen to breathe."

    Finally, as the fresh water lakes and salt water oceans merged together, the dilute mixuture of brine would have killed any remaining fish of both salt or fresh water varieties.

  • Phizzy

    Ray Franz wrote an article on the flood, I must revisit it, but if I remember he felt a Global flood to be not tenable, but felt that the text did not demand it.

    That theory still leaves many other problems though.

  • konceptual99

    Bumped - just stumbled on this thread. Leolaia's post is one of the best comments debunking the notion of a global flood I've read anywhere on the web. If and when we get stickies on here then this post should be right up there.

  • DesirousOfChange


    The Flood

  • ThisFellowCheap

    Marked too!

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