Sex Before Marriage
by Wishididntknow 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The all to obvious joke... : " im still waiting for sex after marriage!" Ba dum! Thank you! Thank you... Im here all week......
Yea im far more supprised when a couple makes it myself.... U love someone, you want them. Its just what it is...
finally awake
I would also assert that if you are dating someone and don't find it difficult to stay "chaste" then you aren't really compatible as marriage mates. Physical, sexual attraction is the difference between being friends and being lovers. I don't want to be married to any of my friends, because it's just not that sort of relationship even though I may love them dearly.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
I too wondered how many couples have remained “faithful” before marriage, or any other time. I’ve also wondered how stupid do you have to be to confess before your wedding, unless it bothers you or your partners babble trained conscience, who cares! (I think some of the less than chaste one's who got away with it, either knew they weren't going to get caught or were the child of an elite member, so even if they did get caught it wouldn't matter.) Besides what difference does it make? NONE! You’re getting married anyway.
I believe attraction and compatibility are crucial and any relations before marriage are a personal choice and none of anyone else's business; if I’m wrong than I have to answer for that, otherwise KISS OFF!
Sex before marriage?
Yes, Please!
Broken Promises
I was too scared of falling preggers to let myself be tempted
My wife and I are in the minority who waited. (Not to say we didn't engage in fairly frequent "heavy petting," whatever that means.) And despite previous comments, it wasn't due to any 'incompatibility' between us - after a few years of marriage we remain as well-matched as ever.
Waiting wasn't all that bad; we got to use the Kingdom Hall and exchange vows in front of Flying Spaghetti Monster and 100 people we no longer care about (besides family).
On second thought, the only 'restraint' we should've used before marriage involves a silk scarf or two...
finally awake
Never Enough - I'd say that the fact you and your wife engaged in "heavy petting" shows that the attraction was strong enough to make it impossible to stay "completely chaste" per the WT standards. I didn't mean to suggest that only couples who actually have intercourse are sufficiently attracted to each other. I should also clarify that having sex with someone doesn't automatically mean that you are a good match or should get married.
In the words of the late Benny Hill:
"I don't believe in sex before marriage. I'm not so sure about after marriage either"
lol @ elderlite.