Will higher gas prices cause a policy change (New Light) re. field service?

by doinmypart 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina
    "Reducing your the time you spend in the Field Ministry due to gas prices shows a lack of faith that Jehovah will provide for you. Ask yourself these questions: 1)have I sacrificed enough for Kingdom Interests? 2) Could I use the money I spend on cable television to further Kingdom Interests? 3) Could I use the money I spend on internet service to fund my personal ministry?"..." Truth B Known


    TruthBknown, they've already hit those areas - now they're starting to go after the FOOD that people - JWs - eat!!! [Can't quote the article, but it came up around a month ago on the board here... Might have been "service meeting" material instead of a Watchtower study...]

    I can just hear it now....

    "Brothers, do you really need to eat that hamburger? Couldn't you be happier, eating bread and drinking water, while knowing that Jehovah your heavenly father is looking with approval upon your efforts to spread his word??

    And just think of the wonderful food that will be available to us after Jehovah kills all the innocent babies - er, after his "Great Day of Armageddon", when you'll be able to eat all the grass and leaves and fruits and vegetables that you could possibly want - just like the lions, tigers, leopards, sharks, crocodiles and bears which will ALSO be eating grass and straw...??"

    Hee hee hee heee!!!

  • wisdomfrombelow

    It might be used as a reason to lower the pioneer hours (or auxiliary pioneer hours) in conjunction with trying to get more into the full-time service.

  • baltar447

    Ok, I REALLY want an exact quote on the food thing!

  • Iamallcool

    leavingwt, thats crazy, how much did you pay for AC at Bethel?

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    They won't change a damn thing until they feel it's going to affect profit and distribution.

  • ziddina
    "Maybe the GB will tell the publishers to do internet witnessing to save gas money!..." Moshe

    THAT'S why we've had so many apologists on the board recently!!!

  • ziddina
    "Ok, I REALLY want an exact quote on the food thing!...."

    Aouw crap!!!

    You're lucky that you're cute, Baltar447...

    [Zid trudges off to look thru her "posted on" lists... ]

  • ziddina

    I guess I should mention that the reference to JWs limiting their food consumption - or reducing the costliness of the food they consumed - was basically one line in a recent Watchtower magazine...

    I think it might have been Flipper who picked up on it...??

  • leavingwt

    leavingwt, thats crazy, how much did you pay for AC at Bethel?

    NOTE: While I was still there, they stopped billing Bethelites for air conditioning.

    However, during the first several years that I was there (1994 through about 1998), they charged an annual electricity surcharge to all Bethelites with air conditioners in their rooms. It was either $30 or $60, I do not recall. I felt it was absolutely ridiculous. To a person 'earning' $90 per month, even $30 is a game-changing expenditure.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    This is kind of funny. In Norway the gas price has risen to some 10,80 dollars a gallon...

    Why do you complain about gas prices?

    Because the one congregation in the county I live in is responsible for 501 square miles of territory (22 miles on each side - it's basically square). There is a well developed grid of roadways spaced roughly a quarter mile apart. Every inch of those roads must be driven in order to count the territory as complete, even if there weren't any houses there last time. The towns only have about half of the population. It is also usually too hot or too cold to turn off the engine while someone goes to the door - everyone left in the car would freeze or roast. Burning half of a tank of gas on a Saturday morning in service would be typical, so roughly $35 right now.

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