If it is the truth, be a good JW, obey the org and you can spend eternity singing kingdom songs and shoveling lion poop
....And what if it IS the truth????
by MsGrowingGirl20 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I did say it first! And are you being mean?
Because calling me "she" means I'm not here or a part of it, doesn't it? Nancy, N.drew, or you would be nice. I'm a little sensitive. Sorry!
No bikerchic is not being mean. She is not a mean person.........I am assuming it's our precious bikerchic............returning.
And.............yes you are sensitive.............................perhaps more than a little.
Ok then, help us out here! What is the "IT" to which you are referring?
I ask this in all sincerity because the fact is: 99% of EVERYTHING the WTBTS publishes is demonstrably false, (at least 99% of anything important that is.)
yes you are sensitive.............................perhaps more than a little.
Only sometimes more than a little. And it sounded by her post that she was offended that I changed her post. So maybe you should be a little more sensitive. That would be nice yesidid.
OODAD I second that. What is "it"?
Hi Ms. Growing Girl.
I know where you are coming from. It is the toughest thing I have ever done to come to grips with this fact.... The organization is not directed by God or his spirit. It is just another man made organization that has done a great job of using the scriptures to their own benefit. There are many reasons I do not believe anymore but the single biggest for me is that Holy Spirit cannot inspire false prophecy.
Its tough to swallow because like you, my whole life I had been confident that I had the truth and everyone else was wrong. Now I have to start over from scratch and sift through my knowledge and feelings to determine what is real or manufactured.
Honestly I am ok with that because now I will make choices and analyze information for myself and come to a personal conclusion that is not influenced by any twisted frame of reference based on my background in the religion or by social pressures from my friends and family in the religion.
Hang in there Sis.
AK - Jeff
ALL religion is superstition, just packaged to sell in the era in which it predominates. So happens that Christianity/Islam/Judaism are in current favor on the planet. None of them IS truth, nor do any of the fears they sell bring hope/salvation to anyone.
You could repackage JWism, Christianity or any other, spice it a bit differently, and it would fit neatly into the minds of the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Greeks, or the Romans. Or perhaps the inverse of said statement would work [which is pretty well what has happened].
In 10,000 years, your descendents will be pondering 'What is Truth'? Until mankind learns to accept our existence for what it is, instead of trying escape death by means of nirvana, transmigration of the soul, heaven or reincarnation, billions will trouble themselves over the question, then die right along with those who accept "That it is, what it is."
Peace is what we should seek - not life after life is gone. You didn't exist for billions of years. Soon, you will not exist again, and billions of years will pass again. Enjoy life. There is no evidence [only empty belief, completely unprovable] of anything else. If you pass on, and find something else, well - bonus time. But, unless you know there is a bonus - and despite the claims - no one does - live, laugh, love.
Don't worry. Be happy.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
If "IT" is the truth than I'll have to answer for that (own up to MY mistake).
But the fact that I find so much peace in saying "destroy me if I'm wrong, but I won't follow ______" tells me it's most certainly not the truth.
And what if this is the ONLY life you have to live? What if now is all you have? Do you want to live it suppressed, oppressed, and repressed? Do you want to spend your life serving a publishing/real estate/investment company, never knowing who you are and what your potential might be? Do you want to give THAT to your children? If you believe in a divine presence, as I do, develop a personal relationship with it (resonance) and love your neighbor. Then live your life with joy and freedom from worrying about it.