What if..
Pigs "can" Fly?..
by MsGrowingGirl20 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What if..
Pigs "can" Fly?..
If you have researched and read the information that your early posts imply, there is no way possible that you could intellectually and seriously be asking this question. We reach a point of having to make a decision as to what we do with our new found knowledge, and the consequences that our future actions will bring.
Perhaps that is why your questioning things now is being "emotionally driven". Losing friends and family by standing up for what is honest and true is not easy for anyone. I know this to personally be true. Many JW's will not question any doubts because deep down they know it would upset the status quo of their current families. It sounds like you are at a crossroads, but your decisions don't have to be immediate. Take your time. Get your questions answered. It has taken me a couple of years to get where I'm at now, and I know that its not easy.
Easy. If the universe is as the JWs say it is, you don't want any part of it. Live as you like and accept the judgment from the petty JW god.
What Sulla said on page 1. If it is the truth, Do you want to live for ever, knowing that all the really interesting people never made it through Armageddon? That the God the Witnesses serve is perfectly happy to obliterate all those who won't slavishly obey his every command?
That we were really all meant to live in blissful nakedness in the Garden of Eden and never ever, ever, EVER eat the fruit from that tree?
It's not the truth. It's bonkers, way out in la-la land.
Really there is no possibility that the ever changing doctrine of the organisation is the truth. Even if certain elements were true within a few months or years the doctrines will change and todays truth will become tomorrows lie.
Sorry not a snowflakes chance in hell that they teach any truth.
At the moment I'm reading The Gentile Times Reconsidered.... it is convincing me that it most definitely isn't.
AK Jeff - do you believe you that having a faith and enjoying life are mutually exclusive?
WTS explain owning stock in Rand Cam (Military)? Just another UN boo boo?
WTs owning stock in tabacco?
Member list at a UK Hedgefund convention. Scroll down and to the left:
Oh, and MsGrowingGirl20, it isn't the truth. When you see the lengths they went to change the Bible with their translation, it can't be the truth.
One very simple example is Romans 8:1 in the NWT. It says "Therefore those in union with Christ Jesus have no condemnation."
Pretty simple verse, right?
Except, the translators (and I use that term very generously in their case) of the NWT left out the word 'now,' which is definitely 100% in the Greek. Everything other translation reads something to the effect of 'So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.' (NIV)
Why would they leave out such a simple word? Because if there is 'now' no condemnation, meaning right this instant and after receiving justification etc, the WTS has nothing to hold against you. No future promises of forgiveness, none of that. It puts you straight onto the path of working for your salvation.
Its so hard to be serious about something that ain't true.
Its so hard to be serious about something that ain't true
So true!
What about serious response that doesn't sound serious or responses that are not serious but sound serious? And who's the judge?