Now, James, do you see why these discussions are futile, useless, and hurtful? We have a gang mentality on the left, and sometimes, I guess, depending on who is posting on any given night, the right.
What a perfect storm of hypocrisy. From the start you have said it was impossible,
The problem is, you say "too-mah-toe" and I say "too-may-toe". You can look at isolated "facts" all day long, but remember they are connected to other facts that are connected to others. IOW, there is a big picture to look at, and you look at it through your own pov.
you refuse to give examples or facts in your debate, you have been insulting and accusatory to me while pretending to be somehow victimized by me, and now you say "We have a gang mentality on the left". Unbelievable.