Have you regained your Self Esteem after being " Used " by the WT society ?

by flipper 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    In this book on mind control cults and recovering from abusive relationships that my wife and I are reading titled , " Take Back Your Life " by Janja Lalich & Madeleine Tobias - it discusses in detail how damage we've received from cults or abusive relationships stays with us after we exit . In the Chapter " Coping with Emotions " it states some interesting things under the subheading " Loss of self esteem ".

    It states regarding after leaving a cult ( JW's, Scientology, etc. ) on pg. 133, " A sense of elitism, feelings of security, friendships, emotional highs, or fringe benefits ( if you were near the leader or in the inner circle ) are powerful reasons to stay attached to any group. When you leave, you may feel as though the rug was ripped out from under you : no more magic carpet . The thrill is gone. As you confront the challenge of rebuilding your life , the empty feelings should fade as you develop renewed purpose and meaning. "

    It continues, " In cults and abusive relationships, people often feel a sense of satisfaction in giving love, serving a Master, or dedicating themselves to a higher cause or ideal. In many cults, personal suffering is often endured in service to the perceived new self. After such sacrifice, people can be devastated to learn that they were taken advantage of, or in some cases, blatantly duped. " One of the more painful emotions is the feeling of being used, " writes psychoanalyst Willard Gaylin. To better understand the significance of that feeling, Gaylin suggests comparing the humiliation of feeling used with the pleasure of feeling useful : " The feeling of usefulness provides a great joy and pleasure. To feel of use is one of the fundamental ingredients of pride. We pride ourselves by our uses. We even sense or acknowledge ourselves through our uses. We exist in our own mind's eye through the exploitation and expenditure of all of our personal resources. When we use ourselves , in almost any sense of the word, we are building a sense of our worth....... " .

    Gaylin continues, " How, then, do we explain the almost universal feelings of outrage, shame, hurt, and resentment that combine in that most humiliating feeling of " being used " ? To feel used is to feel that our services have been separated from ourselves. It is a sense of the violation of our central worth, as though we ourselves are important to the other individual ( or organization ) only because we are a vehicle for supplying the stuff that he ( or organization ) desires. It may be most graphic and evident when what he ( or the organization ) desires is a material or physical thing - our money or our possessions - but we are equally offended when what is taken or used is our intelligence, our creativity, our companionship, or our love. "

    Final paragraph states, " Not wanting to admit to feeling used or duped may keep people in cult situations longer than they would like. Pride, shame, guilt, fear, and love tend to work in concert to prevent members from acting in their own interests sooner. Once they do leave, they may have to deal with the awful realization that they were tricked, fooled, and exploited by the actual group or leader they idealized. ADMITTING that is most difficult, but it can be a great relief. "

    So it seems a beginning to finding our renewed self esteem after exiting the Witnesses is admitting to ourselves in the first place that we were duped by mind control of the cult. Once we admit it - then we can exhale and start rebuilding new interests and a new life again ! It's not easy but allowing ourselves to grieve for a time we will develop new hobbies, interests, friends , and connections that will help rebuild our life. As well as finding out positive things within ourselves which were stifled by the JW cult involvement ! So how are you folks doing in moving on after the JW cult involvement ? What new and interesting things are you doing to renew your self esteem after having been beaten down mentally as a JW all those years ? Any positive reinforcement we can share with each other would be helpful ! Especially for newer members so they can see that indeed there IS life after exiting JW involvement . As always I look forward to your input and takes and comments. Hope you all are well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • james_woods

    Just the opposite (for me) of what those authors wrote:

    I was losing a great deal of self esteem the last year or so - by staying around even after I knew it was all a crock of shit.

    Finally walking out of that Assembly - and promising myself I was never going back - was a great booster to my self esteem.

    But I can see that others might fall exactly into what they are describing.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Personally, I have always been strong in the self-esteem department, but did supress it as it wasn't a "fruitage of the spirit" . I guess what I've experienced in the past couple years isn't so much a resurgence in self esteem, but just not feeling so guilty about having it in the first place.

    Interesting information, Flipper.

  • baltar447

    I used to be of the opinion that my self esteem was fine. Then I had a realization when my first celebrated birthday was approaching how UNimportant we're made to feel in the borg. So yeah I DO have self esteem issues. Took being mentally out two years and physically out one to figure it out.

  • flipper

    THanks for the replies ! First off I want to say that I had self esteem issues having been raised by a very exacting, demanding elder father for years in the JW cult. It wasn't until about 12 years ago at age 40 did I really start valuing myself as a valuable human being who wasn't afraid to admit I have positive things I can contribute to others lives ( other than being raised as an elders son in a mind control cult which is negative) .

    So what I'm saying is we all have experienced this to a great extent, myself included, so any feedback on how you've personally dealt with it and moved on is appreciated.

    JAMES_WOODS- I see what you're saying. I felt similarly. After exiting the JW's my self esteem shot up 100 % . I still for a couple years had some doubts of how to move forward in life , but soon learned to follow my instincts.

    BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS- Exactly. Good points you make. WT society always made us feel GUILTY for even HAVING a sense of self- or self esteem. We were supposed to be " good for nothing slaves " - remember ? What a load of horse manure. We are all lovely people here ! Most of us anyway . And we all have a lot to offer. I'm glad you are doing well in the self esteem area .

    BALTAR 447- I'm glad you're celebrating your Birthday now and treating yourself with special care after getting out of the cult. Good for you. I know how you feel - I was made to look down on myself from the drill sergeant type elder father I had growing up. I never received hardly ANY compliments from him ever. He always threw that scripture in my face, " we are good for nothing slaves, what we have done is what we ought to have done. " Drove me crazy. He quoted that one to me growing up every time I got a bit of self confidence. Now I know why. He was trained to do that from the WT society. WT leaders treat elders like slaves and it's passed down through the ranks. I'm glad you've figured it out as time goes by. I am your brother in arms friend. Been there, experienced that too ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • discreetslave

    Leaving the borg in itself was a boost to my self esteem. I am proud that I stood up for myself and decided to be in control of my own life.
    You are told you can't trust yourself, your own feelings and views on anything means nothing if not in harmony with how they interpret the Bible. I am now responsible for my life so I have to own up to my mistakes and not relegate it to sin. Now I get to enjoy and take the credit for decisions that go well and contribute to the wellbeing of myself and others. I still have a way to go but my self esteem is finally in the black as opposed to constantly being in the red as it was as a JW.

  • Vidqun

    One must work at it all the time. I could never understand why I left the assemblies more morose and depressed than ever. It was like a dark cloud hanging over my head. Thought there was something wrong with me. Now I realize, breaking a person down and instilling a guilt complex, makes him or her more pliable and controllable. After many years of this, it is ingrained, and needs work all the time.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Great thread so far.

    I still have low self-esteem, but it's improving with time. Learning to not judge my worth based on trivial matters is hard now, but we all have to learn to imbrace our own personality, with it's flaws. :)

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    The constant reminders of "how much more we could do in the Field Ministry" at every meeting, in every publication, each conversation with pious ones, will drain you of your soul, resulting in lower self-esteem. Trying to rack your brain, asking yourself "It must be me, because everyone else shakes their heads in agreement, when speakers preach "We are the happiest people, we have the most loving brotherhood, we have something the world will never attain, a peaceful unity" will drain your self-esteem by listening to this non sense.

  • TimeBandit

    I have always had issues with self esteem. It's never been easy for me to stand up for myself. In fact, I used to frequently have these dreams where I was in a position of having to protect myself against a bully, and when I try to hit him, my blows are weak and not effective at all. Generally, I would wake up from these dreams and feel really bad about myself.

    Recently though, after I turned in my letter of disassociation last summer the dream changed. In the new dream I was in a school yard. I had the distinct feeling of trouble brewing. The school yard bully made his way over to me, and poked me in the chest making some kind of demands. I grabbed his finger, and broke it. It sounded like the snapping of a candle stick. Then I grabbed a fist full of his shirt, and picked him off of the ground and pinned him to the wall, his feet are dangling...I told him that if he ever touched me again, that I'd beat him to a bloody pulp. Then, I threw him across the school yard. We could all hear him make a sick thud when he landed. After having this new version of the dream , the old version has never come back.


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