During my final few years being active with the JW’s I noticed that the vast majority of people who were studying or joining the group in general where those that the rest of society would consider disabled and/or severely mentally ill. Now by disabled I don’t mean “I lost my leg in nam” kind of disabled… In some cases these people were mentally retarded, had the minds of children, were severely abused as children or even as adults and as a result had personality disorders that put them on the edge of society…
And then we had the full on crazies… About 15 years ago one of the brothers who worked at the local welfare office somehow started a study with a person who was a paranoid schizophrenic. He met her because she was a client of the welfare office. She got handed off to a sister who studied with her, then started driving her to her doctors appointments, and to get grocery’s, and took her to congregation events. Effectively the sister who studied with her unwittingly became a care giver/family member/chief conductor of the crazy train. After a few months of this the woman decided she didn’t need her medications anymore and stopped taking them. She then turned on her study conductor and decided she was in fact… none other than Satan himself. By this time she was an unbaptized publisher and was well on the path to being baptized. So once she announced that she was going to kill her conductor the study was passed off to someone else, and then someone else, and eventually she became like a pet for the entire congregation. And by pet, I mean she became completely reliant on her “brothers and sisters” for everything… and I do mean everything. This is still ongoing, it’s been about 15 years and every few years she goes off her meds and decides everyone is the devil and must be slayed. Frankly I’m shocked she has not hurt anyone, we had to disarm her once in the KH when she brought a big knife to do the deed. That was fun. Not one time in all of these events did the elder body call the police, in fact they ran interference keeping people from doing so.
So… 15 years of this person… going out in service… going to meetings and what not… and best of all, informal “witnessing”. Who did she informally witness too?
The people at her support group for mental illness (the patients) and people in her fixed income/low income apartments. The result?
For the past 15 years she has cycled equally insane people through the congregation, the come, they sit, they comment, they get taken care of and then one day they start or stop taking their meds and all hell breaks loose.
I thought this was isolated to our congregation because of this one person… Then I moved and then I moved again and finally after a third major move in 5 years I settled down and in each of those congregations, something very similar was happening.
So I ask you this…
Has it been your experience or observation that in the past… say 10 years… the vast majority of people who “study” or even eventually get baptized are in some way “damaged”?
This could be people with mental issues
Mental illness
Physical disabilities
OR children/adults who came from or are currently in abusive homes
I mean no offence to these people, however this post will undoubtedly offend someone, if not everyone lol.
My point is, It appears to me that a high percentage of the people studying or associating with JW’s in recent years are either desperate, lonely, needy or frankly do not have the mental capacity to know what’s going on. They see someone coming to their door, they look nice they smile they say nice things and OMG they tell me all if have to do is love god and go to meetings and tell other people about it and BAM everyone else dies and I get to be perfect and live in paradise.
Ironically studies have been done on suicide bombers in the middle east… and they fit the above description as well. They are also promised paradise and virgins if only they walk into a crowd and push a button.
Are these people just easy targets for exploitation or is the WTBTS actually doing some sort of public service by taking these people in? I am betting on exploitation.