As an agnostic, I have overcome that. In times of hardship, I get my ass in gear and change things all on my own.
by Moxy 32 Replies latest jw friends
As an agnostic, I have overcome that. In times of hardship, I get my ass in gear and change things all on my own.
The Bible does address the supply problem while they were in
the wilderness.
Jehovah provided manna for the Israelites to eat. Manna appeared
like the dew in the early morning, and the Israelites were to gather
up only what they needed for one day, so their food supply was met
day to day. Logistics problem solved!
Someone has discovered what manna was, something that
does form in the morning, and then disappears, and is edible, but
I have forgotten what exactly it is.
if your going to ojetc at least it should have reason to it....if there is a diety then who knows whats possible...if not then
well you believe wrong.
but as for archealogical record..get real.where in the desert would you like to start digging? and exactly how hard do you think it is to even plot a site for excavation based on a biblical story let alone pay for the diggers to dig it.........watchinbg to much time team maybe. theres not enough money to pay for the digs/excavation that we need let alone the digs that ppl want .
If there is no areachologial record for parts of history i suppose history never happened..get real.
On my last excavation it took 8 months to NOT find what we KNOW from record is buried there. we had a site marked by ruins
with at least 3 previous excavations on the site and yet we still couldnt find what we were looking for...so according to ppl here the tomb we were loking for doesnit exsist ...........good job areaologists dont give up that easy, we may never find it but if we dont it doesnt mean that it isnt there it means that we can't dig up the road way or the other houses and we do not have the man power or more importantly MONEY.....the very idea that any could be expected to find remnants form israels wanderings in a large desert is silly to say the least . a lucky find? yes thats possible but to imagine the alternative and say this proves they were never there is rediculous.
I wonder how many miles of toilet paper that would have taken every day? When you get to thinking about it, there's an awful lot of stuff that would have had to be available in great numbers. How 'bout sandlas for people walking for forty years? I guess they made them from the sheep and goats. They had that many?.
Goes on and on.
NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?
It's utterly ridiculous, but then, the closer you get to Genesis, the more the Bible seems like it was written by the Brothers Grimm.
VM44: "The Bible does address the problem, Jehovah provided manna..."
I can see that you are running off into OJ Land again. Once you start using infinitive axioms (is that the right phrase? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but you know what I'm trying to say) to support your logic, the logic just falls apart. God him/herself is an extremely convenient infinitive axiom in arguments for religious people, because every single question can usually be answered with a nice little: "Oh, God is almighty, therefore even this completely preposterous miracle in Genesis must have happened as it's laid down in the Book!"
How exactly did the Isrealites eat locust fecal matter (that AFAIK is what 'manna' is!) for 40 days? Wouldn't YOU get a bit pissed off if you had to do that for 40 days? Also, how were their dietary and protein needs addressed? Probably thanks to the Magic of God (for which there is absolutely no evidence).
I think you need to give the Skeptic's (sp?) Bible a good going-over, especially the first 3 books of it. Things will improve shortly after that.
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age
Nice post Moxy, keep these coming!! Enjoyed this one greatly.
OUTLAW im dyslexic. dictionarys dont help alot
thanks for the suggestion thought it was very kind of you. :)
I imagine they didn't need toilet paper..there were probably rocks,leaves and cactus to use..LOL.
And then after just crossing the red sea, seeing the columns of smoke and fire every day, recieving the manna every day and getting water miraculously, they decided to build a golden calf to worship. Oh yeah, that's believable. But the guy who actually made the idol (Aaron) isn't even punished by this "jealous" god.