Biggest Mathematical Miracle in the World

by Moxy 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moxy


    but as for archealogical record..get real.where in the desert would you like to start digging?
    uhh, yeah. somewhere between egypt and palestine along the route exodus says they took, i guess.

    and exactly how hard do you think it is to even plot a site for excavation based on a biblical story let alone pay for the diggers to dig it.........watchinbg to much time team maybe. theres not enough money to pay for the digs/excavation that we need let alone the digs that ppl want .
    yeah, you're right. palestine and egypt have had barely *any* archeolgists working there. theyre not particularly interesting places historically and any archeologists that go there just end up sitting around with their fingers up their noses asking for more money or throwing their hands up in the air, despairing at the difficulty of the task.

    the very idea that any could be expected to find remnants form israels wanderings in a large desert is silly to say the least . a lucky find? yes thats possible but to imagine the alternative and say this proves they were never there is rediculous.
    the area in question is not that big and we ARE supposed to be talking about 40 years of occupation. i expect youd be surprised by how clear a picture archeology has of the history of this area.



    HA-HA!Hey Moxy,too true!!..>>>Hey lurk,jerome wrote posts like an idiot,now he seems completely cured and a lot more knowledgeable.I wonder why that is?..LOL...OUTLAW

  • lurk
    uhh, yeah. somewhere between egypt and palestine along the route exodus says they took, i guess.

    well where did you think i was talking about russia ? LOL sort of assumed a reader would know the area in question !!!!!

    quote: and exactly how hard do you think it is to even plot a site for excavation based on a biblical
    story let alone pay for the diggers to dig it.........watchinbg to much time team maybe.
    theres not enough money to pay for the digs/excavation that we need let alone the digs
    that ppl want ; end quote

    yeah, you're right. palestine and egypt have had barely *any* archeolgists working
    there. theyre not particularly interesting places historically and any archeologists that go
    there just end up sitting around with their fingers up their noses asking for more money
    or throwing their hands up in the air, despairing at the difficulty of the task.

    i dont get your thinking here..where did i say they palistine or egypt have barely any areachologists? in fact i didnt mention them ata ll .nope i said theres not enough money an how difficault it is .true more arechologists wouldnt go a miss i expect.yes lots has been covered but there is still so much more.there are limits to digging seasons like when the money runs out or when the weather gets bad (unless you work for the ppl ive worked for )
    not enough money goes towards digging. some digs are sponsored by western accademic such as in the US and in GB.
    theres so much stuff that needs doing and just not enough ppl to do it all.In what way does this critizes the isrealie or egyptian arechologists? only f you want it too. depends on your agenda. however im saying what i know from friends who are Archaologists and
    and from my times on digs.never having dug in isreal i listen to what ppl who have tell me.

    [QUOTE] the area in question is not that big and we ARE supposed to be talking about 40 years of
    occupation. i expect youd be surprised by how clear a picture archeology has of the
    history of this area.[QUOTE]

    well i suppose if your looking at a map and say "well thats about as big as my little finger" it might look small LOL

    no im not surprised by whats known about that area at all. though ive only read about it from books so its not based on experience.what i mean is im not able to give an informed post about that .ive listened to the arguements over a excavation and the results and the interpretaion time and time again and have seen pictures of stuff unearthed
    one camp says theres no evidence another camp says theres evidence.interpretaion is everything especially if you want to start moving the egyptian dynasties around . any way that out of my deapth and iso nly what ive read.

    ..theyve got alot of clues about

    alexander the greats burial but still havent found it. lets hope hes not just a story. :wink:

    as for you OUTLAW LOL..........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm IM DYSLEXIC YOU PRAT and dont bother giving me greif about it cause ive taken more crap about it for years from ppl with much greater imaginative post insults then you.

    keep up the cut and paste OUTLAW LOLOLOL :wink: you never let me down

  • Moxy

    im beginning to think you work for david rohl

  • sadiejive

    I read something similar to this on another website. It's quite lengthy but well worth the read. Here are the links for anyone who would be interested in reading it. It's broken down into 7 parts and titled the Exodus Problems.

    Part One:
    Part Two:
    Part Three:
    Part Four:
    Part Five:
    Part Six:
    Part Seven:


  • lurk

    i dont know why you think that lol.
    saw his programmes and read some of his book..........seems to have some points and the french areachologist that sayd hes wrong presents an argument whcih was flawed but , personlay id want to know more about dendrocronology and the other factores in egyptian dating...2 swides to every argument.but he was interesting to listen to


    Hey lurk,in all the time I`ve been on this board I have never cut and paste,not once.Theres over 1500 of them,genius!(LOL)lurk,the archaeologist who can`t find anything.Theres as much chance your an archeologist,as Ray Charles is a jet fighter pilot....BS dosen`t cut it here,but I doubt that will stop you...OUTLAW

  • lurk

    where did i say i was an areachologist?

    nope that wasnt a cut and paste lol, very good

  • crownboy

    tyydyy said:

    And then after just crossing the red sea, seeing the columns of smoke and fire every day, recieving the manna every day and getting water miraculously, they decided to build a golden calf to worship. Oh yeah, that's believable. But the guy who actually made the idol (Aaron) isn't even punished by this "jealous" god.

    So true. One of the things that really perplexed me about the Isrealites was their ability to disregard all the miraculous things that God would provide for them and then do something stupid like worship the Golden Calf. After you have seen a God who could part a Sea, you're actually going to doubt his power, and actually do something you know displeases Him? For those stories to be true, the Isrealites would have had to be the most brain-dead, stupid, ignorant people ever to have graced our planet. Few of us skeptics would doubt God's existence today if miracles occured as in the Bible, and certainly none should have at such a primitive time in mordern man's history. If the Isrealites could doubt in the face of such sure evidence, what chance do we have today ?

    Aaron being spared is a total injustice. In my opinion he was the most guilty party in the whole thing, seeing that he was a High Priest, and also given the fact that he was the one who actually made the calf (he could have tried to "talk some sense" into the Isrealites). If as the book of Deutoronomy (sp?) states, Aaron was saved because Moses "had his back" and begged God to save Aaron, why couldn't Moses be so merciful for the rest of the Isrealites? If, in Moses' mind, the great High Priset Aaron could be forgiven for his actions, why not the less "spiritual" and less responsible Isrealites? Apparently, "meek man" Moses wasn't too regretful about killing people unless they were related to him.

    Francois asked:

    How 'bout sandlas for people walking for forty years? I guess they made them from the sheep and goats. They had that many?.
    Actually, God made sure that their clothes and sandals would not wear out during the forty year trek (very convienient). Imagine wearing the same clothes for 40 years.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!


    Hey lurc,"where did i say i was an areachogist?"Try this thread,page#1,your first post on this thread." according to ppl here the tomb we were loking for dosint exsist...........good job areaologists dont give up that easy,"..Man you are a serious fuck-up.A decietful,manipulative sorry sack of shit.Let me help you spell the profession your supposed to be in,ARCHAEOLOGY.If you were really in this profession you would be an ARCHAEOLOGIST.Dislexic my ass,your looking for sympathy.Sexy-yo-yo was bad at it too.Your a FUCKING TROLL!!...OUTLAW


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