What part of "TRUE" needs "adjustment"?

by Terry 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Let us conduct a thought experiment!

    Let's say you work for a huge investment firm run by a brilliant CEO who has a perfect track record for business decisions.

    The CEO sends e-mails, text messages and makes phone calls from his remote island hideaway HEAVEN ISLAND.

    None of the employees ever actually SEE him. They rely on his hand-picked leaders sitting in the big office on the top floor of the corporate building.

    These Leaders pass along the transmitted instructions as conduits.

    What would ever destroy confidence in these hand-picked leaders as competent and honest brokers? Or, even the business itself?

    What if the business went erratic? What if bold moves and big decisions led to roller coaster results?

    What if the direction of the polices were constantly revised or reversed? What if profits dipped wildly?

    IF THE BIG BOSS on Heaven Island makes perfect business decisons.....

    AND IF...

    the business is inconsistent, erratic and often self-reversing according to stated policy.....

    WHOSE FAULT is the constant tweaking, adjustments and failures?

    Can the employees not reasonably conclude one of three things?

    1.The BOSS is all too fallible and the business reflects his own instability and phony reputation.

    2.The hand-picked leaders are incompetent at transmitting Big Boss' instructions; even speculating on their own.

    3.The BOSS will handle it--let's just ride it out--after all, it is HIS business and he'll set things straight eventually.

    The only problem with choosing number 3 is that all the employees are paid WITH STOCK rather than salary!

    As the company hits hard times the employees lose their financial future!

    With the above in mind, let us proceed...

    The following two premises apply to the New World Society of Jehovah's Witnesses (from their point of view):

    Jehovah chose one religious group above all others. Jehovah is Perfect.


    Jehovah's Truth is channeled to this one group by agency of its hand-picked (anointed GB) leaders.

    These two pillars support Jehovah's Witnesses belief system.

    It turns out to be insupportable reasoning.

    There is a wedge. It drives itself between those two pillars supporting JW Truth.

    It is self-evident fact:

    the Watchtower Leaders have historically made error after error WITHOUT STOPPING TO THINK THIS ONE THOUGHT:
    If JEHOVAH is guiding us--how do we manage to get things wrong?

    The need for "adjustments" in teaching are reported as "mere human" over eager enthusiasm. How nice and fuzzy and benign that sounds.

    But, it is part of the circular reasoning.

    We are the True chosen religion. We channel the Truth. We channel the Truth because We are the True chosen religion.

    What is the WEDGE ISSUE?

    What part of TRUE needs "adjustment"?

    Is this really such a tough question to answer?

    When Moses, a mere human, was chosen by Jehovah to deliver Israel from Egypt and deliver the LAW code from Sinai: what adjustment to the LAW was ever necessary?

    The nation of Israel failed the Law. The Law didn't fail Israel. The humans needed "adjusting" and not the Law code itself. It was perfect and it required Perfect behavior. The provision for "forgiveness" was the rituals. It adjusted the balance between "profit and loss".

    However, in Jehovah's Witnesses it is the LEADERSHIP which fails and needs "adjusting" as evidenced by the flip-flops, chronology distortions, doctrinal reversals, public embarassments over date-setting, human tragedy from following policy, etc.

    The rank and file correctly CARRY OUT the crackpot dictates and it is the policies which FAIL.

    Case in point: the big run up to 1975 engaged every single Jehovah's Witness in the world in taking the publications to households with the message: STAY ALIVE TIL '75...The End of 6,000 years of Human Existence is coming in that year.

    Now ask yourself: Was Jehovah the Perfect God really the mind and the force behind this message?

    Was Jehovah even "partly" behind it? Or, was Jehovah totally irrelevent to such a failed message and the embarrasing non-event??

    Was the 1975 message partly TRUE or entirely FALSE?
    If it were "partly" TRUE....what is the "adjustment" that has been made to correct it?

    If you remove the exact year 1975 from the message--isn't what is left just the SAME OLD "ARMAGEDDON IS COMING SOON" message all of christianity has been publishing for over 2,000 years?

    If it is---How did the method and message in any way benefit anybody who was a part of this TRUE RELIGION?

    The "faithful and discreet slave" carefully crafted the "food at the proper time" message for 1975. They co-ordinated it. They pushed it. They made it happen.

    If the failure of 1975 was what it appeared to be--a complete imbroglio--what part of TRUE needs "adjustment"?


    noun \im- ' brol-( ? )yo\

    Definition of IMBROGLIO

    1 : a confused mass 2 a: an intricate or complicated situation (as in a drama or novel) b: an acutely painful or embarrassing misunderstanding

  • designs

    You have to factor in Solar Flares.

  • N.drew

    "If you remove the exact year 1975 from the message--isn't what is left just the SAME OLD "ARMAGEDDON IS COMING SOON" message all of christianity has been publishing for over 2,000 years?"

    Yes! I don't know what it looks like. What is it?

  • Terry

    "The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. God feeds his own people, and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will. Those who oppose The Watchtower are not capable of discerning the truth that God is giving to the children of his organization, and this is the very strongest proof that such opposers are not of God's organization." Watchtower 1931 Nov 1 p.327

    "It is vital that we appreciate this fact and
    respond to the directions of the "slave" as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision." Watchtower 1957 Jun 15 p.370

    What is the difference between saying: Jehovah's Witnesses preach spirit-guided true prophetic messages which prove to need adjusting

    and simply saying Jehovah's Witnesses teach opinions that turn out to be wrong?

    The straight "truth" is that teaching ANYTHING that turns out to be wrong NULLIFIES the link with Jehovah or Holy Spirit.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Terry, your thread makes too much sense. I want to go back to being blind and confused.

    As always, thanks for an insightful and thought provoking thread.


  • tornapart

    You always hit the nail on the head Terry! Truth cannot ever be changed.

  • Terry

    I think JW's get away with too many excuses that don't float in a sea of sense.

    Okay, I'll grant you that humans are "just" human. Duh.

    What part of the TRUTH is the "just human" part? Can you give a percent?

    What if you said it was just the part that changed--would that satify you?

    How much of the teachings, the belief system, the theology, the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses has actually CHANGED?

    I'd say darned near ALL of it.

    What JW doctrine has escaped CHANGE? I can't think of any, offhand.

    That has to mean the teaching was human error, wouldn't it? At least BEFORE the last change? Right?

    If you will admit to ANY error at all----just speak up and tell us HOW JEHOVAH allowed the false teaching into His chosen religion?

  • tec

    Good post! Love the business comparison.



  • thetrueone

    There's no Truth in advertising perquisite when it comes to religions, they can say or proclaim themselves to be many things without

    subjective controls governing over them.

    Since this is so why wouldn't a religious publishing house not use this particular arrangement to their own advantage as an effort to expand and cultivate

    faithful adherents ? In addition of being able to put whatever they wanted on the front cover of their own magazines to attract the publics attention.

    They have so much to gain as far as expanding themselves its really a situation they really cant lose.

    The money obtained is non-refundable so thats perceived as a plus, all thats left is to deal with perhaps a view disgruntled purchasers

    who didn't really get what was sold to them. 1975 by the WTS. is just a commercialized scam that was supported pretentiously by religious virtue.

    Many well known bible theologians were shaking their heads in disgust for they knew that this was NOT a possible calculable achievement by using

    the bible or any other outside archaeological means.

    This wicked old system of things did wonderful things to those heading up the Watchtower Corporation

    and they should be thanking Satan ever day for this.

    As far as religion goes and "The Truth" , it invariably comes in many different colors and those religious leaders get to choose whatever color they want.

  • agonus

    So far as I can tell, there are only 2 "JW-unique" teachings that have remained the same in the vast wilderness of WT teachings (and I mean the beginning of the beginning, going all the way back to Russell):

    1) No Trinity


    2) No Hell (at least, not as a place of eternal torment).

    But if reliable truth can be determined by its enduring and unchanging nature, why does any of the other stuff matter? It's all trivia in the end. The problem is, with just the above "truths" as your yardstick, well, shoot - Unitarian Christians, Christadelphians, and many others would qualify as "true" religions. But the WT can't have that, now can it?

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