My first experience as a Householder.

by Flat_Accent 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Flat_Accent

    And it wasnt even on the platform!

    I got a knock on the door this morning from a JW in another local congregation. It's the first time this has happened since I left in October. Anyway, I was pleasant with her, I know my parents have ties with some of the elders in her congregation, and I didn't want anything I said coming back to bite me on the ass later. The majority of the conversation went something like this:

    JW: But don't you think the world is getting worse and worse each day?

    FA: Well think about this for a second; would you rather live now, or 400 years ago? And would you feel safer now or then?

    JW: Of course, I'd like to live now, because we're in such exciting times biblical-

    FA: No, forget that for a second. Just on the basis of your safety - which time period would you rather live in?

    JW: Well, I guess I'd like to live then. Things were so tranquil back then, nowadays everyone is angry (fake smile and shameless plug for March Awake!)

    FA: Can I ask if you've ever looked at crime statistics before? Things like Homicide, Violent Crime have been declining for years.

    JW: Really? Because I feel, personally, like crime has increased.

    FA: Well it's not about how you 'feel', you have to base it on facts. And the facts show crime has decreased.

    JW: But I REALLY feel like crime has increased . . . <Repeat ad nauseum>

    Did I do good, boss?

  • blondie

    It proves to me that if jws had to depend financially on their "success" in the d2d, they would be homeless. They know that they will get everlasting life on a paradise earth, whether anyone listens to their drivel or not.

  • GLTirebiter

    You did well! Sow a little seed of doubt, and someday it may sprout...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    You did good.

    I'm pretty sure people were angry before 1914. Even my mom won't argue that conditions are better now than ever before. "Crime" is rather vague. Civil rights issues, slavery, women's rights, these have clearly improved. Conditions could stand to improve more, but JWs don't want to see improvement, do they? Always with the gloom and doom.

    You might encourage "sister" to not use that "Things used to be much better" line around non-whites, because she might come across as "pro-slavery," or "anti-women's rights," or "pro-Dark Ages," or something.

    Health care still has problems, but polio, smallpox, measels, etc. aren't the killers they used to be. Did she ever hear of the Black Death? I'd lots rather be living today. We have access to fresh fruits and vegetables year-round, with the most varied diets in all of history.

    Of course my mom won't argue the point of crime because she grew up dirt poor. Who was going to rob them? Now crime is a concern because she has so many things worth stealing.

    And "the good old days" before plumbing? Get real sister! Ditch the car, cell phone, refrigerator, microwave, and mega-mart. Try really living like they did 200 years ago and come back and tell me how wonderful it is.

    I'd rather be a poor college student today than a wealthy monarch living hundreds of years ago... by far.

  • gubberningbody

    You were civil and logical.

    I vacillate on what my response would be.

    I know that anyone capable of thinking has access to the internet and if these were truly truth-oriented they'd find what they needed to leave like me, however they haven't so I don't know if these are mentally defective, non truly truth-oriented, or on the way out even as we might speak.

    Having said that I don't know if there's any value to me or them to my saying anything.

    Should I even answer the door?

    I don't know.

    I never bought the stupid star-fish illustration even as it might be applied to those escaping the organization, so I don't know that any reaction is better than any other.

  • d

    Good that was a good comeback. A witness came to my house talking about God. I asked who created God, they bounced around the issue.

  • cantleave

    Good Job.

  • cantleave

    Double Post!!

  • nugget

    So he would rather live during a time when heretics were executed would he, plague, civil war, regicide and turmoil, grinding poverty and inequality. These days he can disturb people in their homes and inflict on them his corporate doctrine and have his rights to do so protected. Life more tranquil then? Really?

    Sometimes you can't help stupid people but you did a good job trying.

  • Yons

    This site if full of apostates?

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