Was Jesus racist ? mP: YES with scriptures

by mP 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • mP


    I bring up other verses and scriptures to support what I am saying. That Christ could not go to the Gentile woman before he went to those who were part of the promise/covenant/contract. Because the promise was TO Israel. This is why he did not answer the Gentile woman... not because he was racist, but because he was fulfilling the promise that was given to Israel. If he was racist, then he would not have later told his disciples to preach to the rest of the nations on the earth. Matt 28: 19 Go and make disciples of all nations. Nor would the great multitude from revelation consist of people from every tribe, nation, people and language. Now would we have John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

    The verses I bring up dispute your conclusion and offer an alternative reason that is not in conflict with the rest.

    (Of course, he relented and healed the daughter of the gentil woman anyway, because of her faith. Showing that people can be heard and saved by faith... now that is a bit off topic, but the rest is not)




    God loved the world so much as it says in John 3:16 but Jesus was still racist to a woman who was a few steps away from him. That just sounds idiot.

    Again you wish to bring in another scripture, please answer the original one i presented. Matth 28 is a separate day in jesus life. He can be racist one day and then have other thoughts another day. The two are not mutually exclusive.

  • tec

    Again you wish to bring in another scripture, please answer the original one i presented. Matth 28 is a separate day in jesus life. He can be racist one day and then have other thoughts another day. The two are not mutually exclusive.

    Unless the whole reason he ignored her was because of the covenant, and not because he was racist. He was doing as he was told, based on that.

    "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

    THAT is why he ignored her. Yet, he relented and did as she asked when she showed strong faith. He did not grant her request because she changed her race. Should that not give you cause to think that he might have another reason for acting as he did?

    You cannot create an entire doctrine/dogma/accusation/whathaveyou based on one verse. If so, then anyone can make anything mean anything. You have decided that you can use the OT to state that what Romans said is bs. But I cannot use other scriptures to show that your accusation is false?

    You are using double standards. So I have to ask, and I'm sorry, I do not mean to be insulting at all... though it will probably seem that way if your answer is yes... Are you young? Forgive me if that seems insulting, but I cannot understand your reasoning otherwise, and I would not want to be hard on someone who is young.



  • Vidqun

    PM, the fact that parts of the Bible was written 2000 years ago seem to escape your notice (some of it is much, much older). Those were the days of slavery, the Roman Empire, and a multitude of militant nations that wanted to destroy each other. I can assure you racism was not foremost in their thoughts (actually the term did not exist in their vocabulary), survival was. Now you take Jesus and what happened there and compare it to the situation in the 20th century. Those terms were highlighted by Martin Luther King and his quest for equality. Certainly, things very far removed from the time of Jesus and his apostles. Things that happened in the Bible would be totally unacceptable today. Think of Lot offering his daughters to the mob, to protect his guests. But in those days things were different and people reasoned differently.

  • mP


    Unless the whole reason he ignored her was because of the covenant, and not because he was racist. He was doing as he was told, based on that.

    "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

    THAT is why he ignored her. Yet, he relented and did as she asked when she showed strong faith. He did not grant her request because she changed her race. Should that not give you cause to think that he might have another reason for acting as he did?


    I accept that your argument is GOD only sent him to the jews. However at some stage jesus changed that as you have pointed out by highlighting Matthew 28. This shows that Jesus has some authority, free will, he is not a robot. Too bad during his thousands of years in heaven he didnt realise that from the beginning of his mission and was racist throughout. Mt 28 shows he personally didnt want to trouble himself with gentiles because of race and wants to leave that dirty work to future believers. Whatever the logic , its obvious Jesus is racist.

    If i took the same story, changed the names and presented it to many people, they would all say sure he is racist. its as simple as that.

  • tec

    Whatever the logic , its obvious Jesus is racist.

    It is not obvious or there would be no way for anyone to show otherwise.

    I accept that your argument is GOD only sent him to the jews. However at some stage jesus changed that as you have pointed out by highlighting Matthew 28.

    Yes, her show of faith moved him to grant her request even though she was not one he had been sent to. One he had no obligation to help. This is a good thing about him.

    Now if you accept that his reason for not going to the gentiles, and ignoring that woman to begin with, was because God sent him to the lost sheep of Israel... then how can you also state that it was because he was racist? Those are two different reasons. And if you accept the one, then you have no reason to continue to believe the second.



  • tec

    Also, I am off to bed, and probably won't be back on until Monday.

    Peace be with you, mP,


  • mP


    Whatever the logic , its obvious Jesus is racist.

    It is not obvious or there would be no way for anyone to show otherwise.

    I accept that your argument is GOD only sent him to the jews. However at some stage jesus changed that as you have pointed out by highlighting Matthew 28.

    Yes, her show of faith moved him to grant her request even though she was not one he had been sent to. One he had no obligation to help. This is a good thing about him.

    Now if you accept that his reason for not going to the gentiles, and ignoring that woman to begin with, was because God sent him to the lost sheep of Israel... then how can you also state that it was because he was racist? Those are two different reasons. And if you accept the one, then you have no reason to continue to believe the second.




    I notice that your answers completely ignore the scripture with the woman, you keep trying to justify his actions because you feel he had a mission. Well i have news for you the mission was racist, Abrahams convenent was a lie. God promised the land forever without any ifs or conditions. God never did defend the land, Israel lost because thats what happens to little nations when a big one comes along like Rome, Babylon, Egypt, Assyria or Greece.

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