Im glad that tenatively you accept the OT is filled with racism, hatred, violence and a lot of nasty stuff.
Well, for clarity, let us look at what I did say: "There are books that contain most of these teachings. I never claimed otherwise." Perhaps I should have added that there are some books... but not all of them.
There is also good. Harder to find perhaps, depending upon what you look for and considering the harsher times, but there nontheless.
However Jesus accepted the OT as truth,
Says who? And which parts? The ones that showed the unforgiving and unmerciful God, or the one that showed the forgiving, merciful God? The OT contradicts itself on the nature of God. These misundersandings are one of the reasons we needed Christ to show us the Truth.
Because He is the truth. Not the OT. Not the bible, itself. Christ. He also said 'woe to you scribes'. A scribe is someone who writes and copies scripture. Why would he say woe to them if they were copying and scribing correctly? He also showed that some of the laws had been given, not in accordance to truth, but in accordance to the limitations (hard-heartedness) of the people, themselves. Such as the law on divorce.
Even the OT speaks of the 'lying pen of the scribes' that had handled the law falsely. (Jeremiah 8:8)
He also said not to claim eye for eye, but to turn the other cheek.
Things like this.
This also leads to a interesting question was jesus really all that good ?
He doesn't claim to be, but He certainly is selfless, merciful, forgiving, loving. The healer, the man who taught us turn the other cheek, to not judge others, to forgive and show mercy, to show love to all, to do unto others as we would have them do unto us, who called out the hypocrisy of those who 'beat' the meek and the poor and the downtrodden. The man who forgave those who tortured and killed him, asking God to do the same... instead of repaying wrong for wrong. The man who healed even those who were outside the covenant of Israel, based on their faith and his mercy.
Yeah, he's pretty good by my standards.
Are you selectively remembering what is convenient ?
No. Are you? Did you realize that the above verses about lying pen of the scribes were there, and did you consider what they meant, and what Christ meant when he said woe to you scribes?
You have been wrong about what some verses said in our conversations, remember?
You seem to think that we can cancel the problem moments by simply ignoring them and saying but jesus did got the next day lets for get about the passed. The scriptures however include those BAD stories for a reason. They shouldnt be ignored.
I don't ignore them. I do my best to reason through them, according to what Christ taught.
You dont like to admit Jesus was racist,
Because it is not true, and you have failed to prove this. You will continue to fail to prove this, because it is untrue.
How many have suffered because Jesus and the Bible failed to denounce or ban slavery. Of course bad men will ignore this fact, but one cant help but wonder that it made it easier to justify slavery simply because the Good book didnt ban it. This argument can be found and is used by many such as the cotton plant owners in the southern states.
This argument can be made by people who want to justify their own misdeeds and lack of love. They must ignore Christ's teachings to do so, though. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you kind of conflicts with capture and enslave people. Serve others, as He came to serve us kind of conflicts with forcing someone else to serve you.
Before I respond any further to you, could you respond to a few specific things that I asked you now?
If the abrahamic covenant was racist, then why could anyone not of Israel (foreigners, other races) join Israel to become part of that covenant?
If the abrahamic covenant was racist, then why is it written that all peoples on earth will be blessed through him? Gen 12:3
You ignore all the times Abraham showed that he had great faith, to say that he had no faith. Is that not dishonest by your standards? You are choosing to see the bad, and in doing so, ignoring the good and what that might do to change the conclusions that you draw. You are searching through the good about Christ to latch onto something that you think is bad (racism), but that has another e x planation, and so you could be wrong in your accusation. If I was accusing someone of racism, and another reason presented itself that disproved racism, I would drop it long before I risked accusing an innocent person of a crime they did not commit. Christ is a healer, the man who befriended the downtrodden, and defended them against the 'pharisees'. The man who preached that we serve one another, show forgiveness, and mercy, and love to both friend and enemy, who taught that it matters nothing what is on the outside, but rather it is what is on the inside of us that counts (which hardly sounds like the teaching of a racist) ... and who also said that we will be judged by the same measure we use to judge.