Is there ANY JW belief/doctrine that has remained the same from start to now?

by journey-on 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • simon17

    Question should be any non-mainstream beliefs that have stayed the same because obviously belief in the Bible and dozens of generally undisputed beliefs among christians found within have not changed. Tons of literal interpretations have not changed, like literal interpretation of adam and even, noah's flood, etc etc.

  • exwhyzee

    We're right....everyone else is wrong because they are being led by Satan. Any time we change a belief, it's because God in his infinite wisdom, didn't want us to know the real understanding until now. Even if we change our beliefs in the future, you must not have doubts, you are to go out and teach it to other people whether you understand it or not.

  • biometrics

    Teaching that:

    • Jesus Christ isn't mediator for "Great Crowd", only for 144,000.
    • 144,000 are the only ones going to heaven
    • There is no hell
    • There is no afterlife (exept for 144,000)
  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    An invisible spaceman is watching you 24/7

  • jwfacts

    The Watchtower teaching on the Trinity has changed over time.

    Russell's Adventist influences had mixed views about the Trinity. At first, Russell's associates and early influential Watch Tower contributors were primarily Trinitarian, including Nelson Barbour and John Paton. George Storrs believed that Jesus was God, but believed that the relationship of the Father and the Son was a mystery, and would not characterize his belief as either Arian or Trinitarian.

    In Three Worlds, and the Harvest of this World, p.58, published 1877 by N. H. Barbour and C. T. Russell, Christadelphians were criticised for not accepting the Holy Spirit as a person.

    "I will give a sample of their way of reasoning: The words Satan, and Devil, says the above book, means accuser, or adversary; and are only Bible synonyms for sin. And if they really set about it, as the Christadelphians do, they can explain away the Holy Spirit."

    The first assistant editor of Zion's Watch Tower was J. H. Paton, a Trinitarian. He wrote the 1880 Watchtower book The Day Dawn. Page 225 personifies the Holy Spirit, capitalising the word and referring to the Holy Spirit as He, Him, or a Person and interchanges the Holy Spirit with the Spirit of Christ.

    "The work of the Holy Spirit is one of the most important elements in the plan of revelation and salvation. He is always spoken of by the Saviour as a Person, and is called the "Spirit of truth." He inspired men to write or speak the truth; and second, He enables men to understand it. By comparing this with 1 Pet. 1:11, it will be seen that the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ are used interchangeably."

    Russell did not start printing articles disputing the Trinity until after Paton left the magazine's staff. Even then, Russell described Jesus as a god to be worshipped and prayed to, and this teaching was not changed until the 1950's.

  • Larsinger58

    Jesus is Michael the archangel. One thing they got right.

  • Phizzy

    A more important time frame to look at is surrounding 1918/9.

    What doctrine unique to them were they teaching then that remains ,unchanged, today ?

    There must be at least one for Jesus to inspect and approve them, and then appoint them over his belongings .

    What is that doctrine ?

    So you do not spend your valuable time on it, I will tell you the answer,............ there isn't one !

  • FWFranz

    A question for jwfacts. I am curious where you may have read that CT Russell suuggested prayer may be directed to Jesus. Do you have specific references for this. Just curious... Thanks.


  • Black Sheep
  • nicolaou

    Well I'm stunned! A short, relevant, 10 word post from Larsinger. Is anyone else a bit creeped out?

    Well done Lars :)

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