Notes from 2 day assembly - "Thought Control"™

by baltar447 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    The generation explanation is totally stupid, yet the jws buy into it.

    Straightshooter, more and more of them ARE NOT buying it.

    I got an email from a friend today saying his elderly born-in mother was expressing doubts to him. GASP!

    Think of that! An old die-hard actually thinking on their own!

    I think LOTS of them have thoughts. Just not too many are brave enough to share their thoughts.


  • redvip2000

    It is interesting that although everything seems to indicate that all numbers are decreasing in the Org, including attendance and baptisms, the overall number of JWs continues to be reported as increasing. I understand that most of this is probably in poor countries, but i would not put it past the org to somehow be cooking the numbers.

    Also you can really tell how the Org is spending more and more time to re-enforce the "trouble beliefs". They surely know that the bleeding has started, and are trying to control it as best as possible. Expect more of this. The Watchtower is well aware of the discussions that are going on , on the internet and is trying to counter act on them.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    The two day was a truly a sickening spew of lies.

    The number baptized was only 6 out of 1097, that's only .55% (only 2 were adults, the rest were children).

    With stats like this where is the supposed growth coming from?

    I would not be surprised if someone was "cooking the books" on growth.

  • flipper

    Very fascinating info Baltar ! Thanks for sharing. Wow. That just blows my mind . The DO said, " thought control " ? I bet they're getting ideas from Steve Hassan's books and using it to control JW's ! Weird

  • Sulla

    Interesting. Couple observations for y'all.

    In my (Catholic) parish, population ~ 750, we are preparing to receive 20 adults into full comunion. Compare that with these JW numbers and reflect on the fact that Catholics don't give a shit whether you convert or not. The most we might do is rip off a picture from the "Greatest Man" book and put it on a poster asking if you wanna convert.

    Second, the demonstration is whack, but perhaps not whack like crack. By that I just mean the JWs have always been pretty up-front about how they change serious doctrines whenever they damn well feel like it. So, for me, the idea that the average JW really outta just get over it sounds like advice given -- and taken -- by them before. I guess that is a pretty odd stwar to be breaking backs, is all.

    Lat, the idea that you force yourself to do right instead of wrong in order to become the sort of person who does right and not wrong is advice as old as Aristotle. You practice virtue, he said, and eventually you become virtuous.

  • ziddina


    Are they getting even more "Brazen" ™ with waving it under the rank&files' noses that it's a CULT, or what???

  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    Sulla: "I guess that is a pretty odd straw to be breaking backs, is all."

    The big difference I see is that before they would always take apart the old belief first, pointing out it's weaknesses, then present the new one -- which always made more relative sense by simple virture of them not pointing out its flaws.

    However, this time the old belief actually made some sense (in JW world), and the only reason they're changing it is because their time frame ran out. So now they can't trash the old view as much, which makes the new view actually seem worse be comparison, which hasn't really happened before (not to mention it's the most illogical nonsense they've ever come up with).

  • WTWizard

    Yes, you can make new "highways" by thinking washtowel things and doing washtowel things. However, is that where you really want to go? To me, that is about as much sense as building a superhighway to Nigeria when I really wish to visit New Zealand, on the other side of the world. You will never get to your destination, nor will you do any good, building a highway to the wrong destination.

    And, you never learn anything new as a witless. That is, unless this is your first time going--you learn it all, once. After that, it becomes the same old rubbish. Your new experiences cease to be new once you do them once. And no wonder so many are refusing to regular pious-sneer. Probably for the same reason I refused to start smoking--I had enough from people smoking around me, and I didn't like even that. Thus, imagine it being 10 times worse--that's what smoking would have been like. I used the same logic against pious-sneering. It was nothing more than doing more field circus and less everything else, and I could extrapolate that by going from a worldly person to having much of my time taken with field circus.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Great notes.

  • talesin

    It's astounding that the JWs are actually being instructed to use NLP to program themselves... and I'm sure the R&F is buying into it.

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