Did Jesus know his father?

by nicolaou 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Did Jesus know his father? You might as well ask whether Spider-man knew his own father. I don't think the Jesus figure of the gospels corresponds to such a person in first century Palestine, the details of whose life corresponds to the gospel stories closely enough for the question to make any real sense.

    If there was a core Jesus figure, who served as the basis for later stories, he likely did not know about any supposed paternity issues just as he never knew he was supposed to walk on water or be part of a Trinity either.


    You guys are taking this too seriously.

    All these questions will be answered when God brings out a sequel to his first and only book, which turned out to be a best seller. Not surprising really; you would expect God to have useful connections in the publishing world.

    God takes his time because all time is his to take and he is eternal. Why burn the midnight oil or get up early to rush out a sequel. The whole Jesus story will turn out to be a dream, which explains why there are talking animals in the Bible. Mary will wake up and have a real baby with her husband, which is the normal Jewish tradition. The sequel will contain more poetry and be entitled Jesus in Wonderland.

  • Leolaia

    He always wished he knew his father, but he died when he was very young. John the Baptist told him that his father was a great prophet, and a good friend. But the evil lord Herod Antipas, following the directions of his father King Herod the Great, betrayed and murdered Jesus' father and then searched out and destroyed all the remaining prophets in the kingdom. Or so John the Baptist said. King Herod would have wanted the baby Jesus killed if he knew he existed, and so Jesus was concealed from him in a desert land far away. Then, when Jesus himself started his own career as a prophet, John the Baptist had one last confrontation with Herod -- and it cost him his dear life. Herod then sent out spies throughout the land, searching for this young Jesus. Jesus withdrew to the wilderness, where he continued his training under the Holy Spirit, and he was tested with visions of temptations which he knew he had to successfully resist. But after only 40 days Jesus decided he was ready, and he returned to the people and performed mighty deeds with the power of the Holy Spirit. But one of his friends, one whom he loved very much, was in trouble and Jesus came to rescue him from the hand of death. But there was a trap waiting for him with his friends. Unbeknownst to Jesus, one of his trusted allies arranged to betray him to the Roman Empire in exchange for thirty pieces of silver and the promise that the Empire would no longer interfere in his own business transactions. Judas kissed Jesus in the Garden to identify him to the Imperial soldiers, and Jesus was quickly whisked away for trial. Jesus bravely maintained a quiet calm until he was brought in chains before his enemy Herod, the man who had betrayed and murdered his father. Then Herod revealed a most horrifying truth about the identity of Jesus' father....

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I bet his Grandad, Jacob, wasn't too chuffed with the idea that his first grandkid was a bastard.

    "But Dad, he's God's bastard!"

    "Yeah. Right!"

  • nicolaou

    No. NO! That's not true. THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!

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