There is a huge debate going on about it now between governments and religions. I say bring it on. I wonder what the JW stance on this issue is! Lol!
UK Gay Marriage 2015! :)
by TimothyT 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They say it is NOT possible....I will be attending a Gay Marriage here in Canada in August. I figure I am not the judge of anyone.where ever there is LOVE I hope the love lasts.A United Minister is doing the marriage.
Gay marriage in UK? That just gives me another reason to visit England. I love the British! I'm tired of the politics and politicizing scriptures in an effort to discriminate against gays, all in an effort to grab power in an election.
St George of England
Here in the UK we have Civil Partnerships for Gay couples already.
In a Gay wedding, does one partner change his/her name as in a conventional marriage?
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
If two people love each other why shouldn’t they be able to get married? I've always said if no one is being hurt then to each his/her own; what right do I have to judge them?
Equality is impartial whether you, I or anyone else likes it or not. When you fight for egalitarianism it means you also fight for an equivalence you may not agree with; just like free speech, it protects all speech even if you don't like it.
If God didn't want gay marriage, he wouldn't have created homosexuals in the first place ... and he certainly would have made an outright law banning gay marriage, without extremists creating "ransom-note" scriptures, by taking a few words from one scripture and a few from another, pasting it all together until they have something they claim is from God saying that gays are evil. Talk about blasphemy.
I think that The Bible pretty clear on what Marriage is, and its views on homosexuality . If you want to follow it then you know what it says, if you do not want to follow it.....then don't. Certainly, as Mouthy said , no man can judge another
incidentally I received an e mail reply from my Conservative M P who was rather relaxed about the whole issue, saying that it was a proposal from certain members of The Government but not an official Government policy statement
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
This always sounded to me like a Biblical gay marriage:
(1 Samuel 18:1-5) . . .Jon′a?than’s very soul became bound up with the soul of David, and Jon′a?than began to love him as his own soul. 2 Then Saul took him on that day, and he did not allow him to return to his father’s house. 3 And Jon′a?than and David proceeded to conclude a covenant, because of his loving him as his own soul. 4 Further, Jon′a?than stripped himself of the sleeveless coat that was on him and gave it to David, and also his garments, and even his sword and his bow and his belt. 5 And David began going out.
Me and my wonderful wife have been married for 25 years!
I don't recall any vote being taken as to whether or not we should be allowed to get wed, it was our right. That's how it should be for every adult couple - a RIGHT to be married to the one you love.
That's awesome! 25 years! Congratulations. You and your wife are an example for all couples, straight and gay.