Jehovahs Witnesses and Entitlement

by hoser 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    I've noticed an attitude among the friends that they feel that they are owed something by society

    example: at the last meeting one of the elders gave a talk about how "the system" is getting harder and harder to make a living.

    I know its a recession out there, but to blame Satan the Devil for your economic woes is kinda harsh don't you think

    JW's don't: Go to university or Work Overtime or meeting nights

    Spend a ridiculous amount of money driving around in field service

    Many sisters don't work but pioneer and home school the kids so that the next generation is broke too

    I think

    instead of blaming ole Satan for your money problems

    get out of bed

    get a job

    get on with your life

  • TOTH

    I agree

  • hoser

    Is it really getting harder to make a living or do WE make it harder on ourselves.

    Houses are getting bigger.

    Cars have more options as standard features than ever before

    We expect a better standard of living than our parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc etc

    All of this comes at a cost, our time and our stress levels

    Jw's somehow think that they can have what everyone else has with no college education, and working part time whilst pioneering

    there is something seriously wrong with the monetary calculations in JWland

    Oh I forgot! you have to trust in Jehover to provide

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    He must have had to send his 10 year old to work in the cotton mill

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    @hoser Yes, this World is hard to make a living, when you put all your constraints on your employer.

    I won't work Over-time, I won't work Monday after 7PM or work Sunday (Theoretical Service and Meeting Day).

    I won't work in a job, where the employer uses obscene speech, loose conduct among coworkers is another excuse. So many reasons, excuses and half-truths a person uses to remain under or unemployed :)

  • biometrics

    Yes I remember that rhetoric. And they all sit there nodding their heads about how difficult things are (in a rich western nation). Then, the very next talk will be about spending too much time on enjoyment/recreational activities.

    Bottom line is, you're not spending enough time witnessing because 1) you have it too hard in life, or 2) you have it too easy in life.

  • ziddina


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    " I won't work Over-time, I won't work Monday after 7PM or work Sunday" ... then I suggest you don't bother to apply for Bethel! JWism must be the only religion that makes a virtue of financial irresponsibility.

  • Alfred

    I've been out for almost two years now but, when I was in, my congo had about a 40/60 mix of working middle class (40%) and poor/retirees (60%)... Myself and others in the congo were often indirectly "guilted" by the elders (who were mostly poor) to help those who were "struggling" because they assumed that the working middle class in the congo had plenty of money to give away. It got to the point where my wife finally put her foot down and told me that I was being taken advantage of... turns out, she was right... One family I helped out was in dire straits because they charged up their credit cards furnishing their home with things I didn't even have in my own home... another single mother would frequent the hair salon but couldn't put food on the table... Yeah, I was stupid... but it really opened my eyes to the sense of entitlement that some JWs tend to feel to the point that they actually expect the wealthier JWs to spread their wealth...

  • LongHairGal


    I know exactly what you are talking about! I am sorry your generosity was taken advantage of and I could not stand these S.O.B.'s who were always looking for some sucker to give them something. Freebies, a place to park their worthless asses and mooch, etc.

    Many congregations have the mix you suggested (working/retirees). I am one of the ones who works full time (and was criticized for doing so)!!! I could not stand the attitude by some covetous individuals (living on the edge and pioneering) looking for a FREE ride. Let them go ask the religion for money if they fall on hard times.

    So, the ones I had no use for (and wouldn't give the right time to) were (1) clueless older married women who lived on a pension some "worldly man" worked 40 years to earn and had the audacity to imagine that young single women supporting themselves were there to do favors for them!!! And, (2) those who deliberately were on the fringes of the workforce and preferred to go out in service full time. Some of these nervy individuals imagined they were owed handouts from people!

    Know something else? The sickest irony is that somebody like me would have been the last person to get help if I were in the congregation. With the way the economy is, now they must be targeting working people for handouts left and right. The congregations must be hotbeds of trouble and I am glad I am not around any of this.

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