A Popular Question Raised by people who were never JW.

by Momma-Tossed-Me 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    I talk to a lot of people about the Watchtower because it comes up in conversation all of the time.

    Money eventually becomes a topic as it is a very wealthy corporation.

    So the question is always raised and it is a good one, "Who controls it?"

    People want to know "Who has the power of the purse strings?" and quite frankly so do I.

    There is someone behind the scenes who knows so much that the WTBTS could never fire him or her. This person has the no limit black credit card.

    There has to be someone or some small group that is living the dream, and has the ear of the GB.

    They probably have all of the dirt on those in charge as well.

    For example. The Unthank case. Who closed down his PayPal deal? Who influenced the court system to toss out the case?

    Money will do this for you along with the proper dirt on the right people.

    Just some food for thought.


  • wannabefree


  • nugget

    Wannabefree - that was so funny I laughed til I cried.

  • TOTH

    LOL at WBF's response! Jehovah is the Editor in Chief! LOL

    The Great Theocrat

    The Great Organizer

    The Great Holder of the Purse Strings!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    In truth the law department is the tail that wags the dog.

  • 00DAD

    We'll probably never know for sure, but I'd guess it's a combination of some lawyer(s) in cahoots with some accountant(s).

  • N.drew

    It sounds like a good plot for a novel. A few legal type people (or one) who are living the high life as "worldly people" from the profits they get from the GB.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    I said this before on a different post that the Governing Body are the ones with the purse strings. They all DO have credit cards with unlimited credit lines. (Or so my old friend who was an assistant to Anthony Morris told me). I have seen them drive extremely fancy cars, and they obviously travel the world for talks and branch visits. They live very wealthy lives and are not vowed to poverty like all the other bethellites are.

    What I don't understand is how they can live like they do and feel ok about it. They are living on the donated money of people living extremely poor lives without higher education. But maybe they think that it is a blessing from Jehovah? Who knows how they sleep at night.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Jehovah? (MTM Palm heel to forehead.)

    Surely, it is he....

    Somebody has to know.

  • designs

    'unlimited credit lines' wow that's better than Donald Trump!

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