The fact remains that Justin Martyr a 1st century christian apologist claimed that Jesus' .... virgin birth, death, resurrection, ascension and miracles all have parallels in older pagan myths. You can't dismiss this by telling me that you know better than Martyr from a perspective 19 centuries distant from the facts.
Modern christians apologists want to distract us by focusing on the differences betwen Jesus and specific details of certain myths. This is to miss the point entirely.
Suppose I were to mention that Bernstein's "West Side Story" was a retelling of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" and in response you wrote pages about all the differences between the two stories.
West Side Story centres on Tony of the Jets and Maria of the Sharks not Romeo of the House of Montague and Juliet of the House of Capula. Juilet never worked in a bridal shop and Romeo never didn't work at Docs Drugstore. We could go on but you get my point.
Looking even closer we find that Shakespeare in turn was influenced by "The Tragical History of Romeus and Juiet" by Arthur Brooke of 1562 which in turn was based on an Italian tale of antiquity.
The parallels between some of the Jesus myths and older pagan myths are too much to ignore completely. The differences are as important as the similarities.
Why are christians so defensive about the idea?