New to the board

by jbeau504 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8


    The "fence" is actually a mythical construct. Everyone's beliefs fall on a continuum.

    This means there is actually no reason to avoid verifying your own beliefs.

    Just seek truth--regardless if it makes you more or less comfortable--truth is truth, unknowns cannot be known.

    Jehovah wants this right? Do this and you will be ok in His eyes. I will leave you with this beautiful quote:

    "One God alone could be supreme and all-powerful; and one such God could mean only one true religion, namely, the one right worship of this one supreme, almighty God. His religion is one of right belief and is harmonious in all its expressions, just as true physical science is harmonious and not self-contradictory. The true religion of the one God does not disagree with itself, deny itself or get divided with itself. If it had internal disagreement, contradiction and disunity, it could never stand; it could not be simple truth; it would disagree with the scientific laws of the universe; it could not triumph in the long-drawn-out conflict between true religion and false. But true religion must triumph, because truth cannot be destroyed."--Watchtower 11/15/1963

  • factfinder

    Hi Jimmy! Welcome!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • smiddy

    Welcome to the board jimmy,it`s always nice to have someone else with a different perspective,challenging OUR perceptions.


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