PS Paul was an asshole.
did the apostle paul really know jesus ?
by mP 51 Replies latest watchtower bible
Paul quoting sayings of Jesus is only "proof" of literary dependence on our gospels if these were the only possible sources of these sayings potentially available to Paul.
While your observation is very true, Paul fails to quote in his writings any event, person or location of Jesus ministry. If we record all the details that Paul gives, the only thing we learn is that Jesus is our savior and died for our sins. It really doesnt matter if Paul knew the gospels that are available to us today. Given Paul supposedly travelled to Jerusalem only years after jesus ministry there, he should have at the very least run into a few eye witnesses and repeated their stories to impress his readers. However he never attempts this in any way.Most of your other quotations are many centuries old and at best can be considered traditions.
The similarity between this passage and the Last Supper institution passage in the synoptic gospels is very striking; the wording is particularly close with Luke 22 .
Many religious traditions in the ancient world had a last supper tradition. Even the Jews themselves had something similar in the passover. In the passover we have a saviour lamb and a cross or tau during easter in Exodus 12. The lamb of the passover saved the jews from the angel that passed over and killed the first born of the land of egypt. The followers of Mithra etc also have similar stories.
How do we really know Paul was not talking about another celebration such as the Mithra one ?
Im not sure why you start your commentary on the gospels i cant quite see the relation to understanding Paul. The book of Acts is broken, it tells us contradictory facts about many things on Paul, such as the story of his trip to Damacus and his revelation with Jesus.