How Will The Governing Body Endure?

by metatron 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Forget about Witness kids. Ignore the concerns of 'old-timers' (well, the Society pretty much has, anyway)

    My question is: How can the Governing Body endure it all?

    The greater the self elevation of any organization, the greater any disappointment is likely to be. I sometimes imagine that the Watchtower is like a faded brand name - like "Burma Shave" or "Ovaltine". Actually, that doesn't capture the essense of what's happening here since a religion carries much more weight in the human heart than any fading commercial product.

    At some point, they must look down from their ivory tower and feel the malaise. They sell off Branch Offices, Assembly Halls, Brooklyn historical real estate and layoff Bethelites. They issue demands and commands that are repetitive even by their own standards. They deal increasingly with a passive-aggressive organization that is widely unproductive.

    The Soviets looked things over, noted the rot and came up with Gorbachev because they realized that things were in decay. This organization doesn't have a "Gorbachev" or anything like him .

    I look for signs of exasperation. I look for more stridency and more threats and ever more fear-mongering. I look for signs that they feel real, open contempt for ordinary publishers.

    I continue to think that the Governing Body will have trouble ENDURING perhaps more than many publishers. They have elevated themselves to heaven but now must face earthly concerns about apathetic followers and an Armageddon that never comes.

    The only question now is how their frustration plays out.....


  • steve2

    Well they've survived in their ivory tower thu s far, where's the evidence they have the capacity, let alone willingness, to reflect upon the state the organization's in to think about anything other than what's right in front of their narrow noses?

    When frogs are in room-temperature water and the water is very, very slowly heated, the frogs will allow themselves to be boiled to their deaths. They don't reach a point of experiencing an urge to escape the slowly heating water. They are lulled into a sense of growing, enveloping warmth that too imperceptibly turns to fatal heat. I would suggest this comparison with the GB is apt:

    There is no provision for perspective (as can potentially be obtained by rank and file) and every incentive to maintain the status quo. Why should people in positions of power and influence be bothered by the mutterings of the masses? They shouldn't and they aren't. You attribute to the GB too much credit for discomfort and unease over things that matter.

  • sir82

    I have definitely noted a tone of exasperation in the WT study articles of late. You can almost see the scratched-out lines reading "why don't you morons GET THIS already?!?!"

    The shelf-life of their "special events" is getting markedly shorter too. The annual campaigns to invite people to the Memorial & DCs is met with increasing apathy. The 30-hour auxiliary pioneer thing has fewer takers this year (our congregation has 15% fewer than the year before). The big whoop-de-do "zone visit" in the US, just 5 months ago, is long forgotten, never talked about.

    It's got to be frustrating to see the attention span of the R&F dwindling away. You can't have "special events" every month, even brain-dead JWs see through that. And the GB does not exactly welcome or encourage original thought.

    So they continue to engage in the same campaigns and routines as they have done for the past 70 years, hoping for better results. And we all know what that is a sign of.

  • snare&racket

    People are being told to pack a bag to keep by the door for when the great tribulation begins. Seriously! That kind of fear mongering will backfire, when the clothes in that bag need a wash after 5 years and zero prophecy has taken place and 2014 passes, what then? I think 2014 will see apathy sky rocket and the number plummet. I have noticed with my family that the WT are trying to ramp up the "Its coming, its coming" 80's style, but it really, really isnt working. They realy dont have the same control as they did over people even 5 years ago.

    The only issue is, these guys have no money, no homes, no life, no family, no car, no savings and nowhere to go. So what will they decide? Continue feeding people looking for answers animal terd, or put their hands up and at an age when they should be retiring and walk out with nothing? I can see why so many die at that factory.

    Prehaps our tactics should alter. Maybe we should get the message to the GB that if they do the right thing, we will ensure they have somewhere to go. They wont be judged, for they are just human and that we are all in it together. These guys have got caught up in the power and the expectation same as we once did. I was in bethel, I could have easily gone up the ladder had I not been so fond of porn and war games. They must sleep very poorly ! Their intentions were initially good. If we give them an out, they may just take it. ( If i ever become a billionaire, I may just offer them all homes in exchange for honesty...)

  • Phizzy

    They are incapable of honesty I fear. I reckon they will receive some new light that they should look after long time H.Q staff with a pension, "To enable them to keep serving in some way through the final days of this system".

    Then they can walk away, and leave it all to the new GB boys to sort out.

  • metatron

    I think it was Maslows Hierarchy of Needs that taught us that needs change as you move up the ladder. One day, food clothing and shelter are all you want but that gets boring, so....... you want recognition, fufillment, self actualization, blah, blah.....

    Why did a corrupt, lying autocrat like Rutherford talk about a prophetic "mantle" being passed on to a new guy (Knorr?) - because he believed his own BS!

    The Governing Body are the Masters of Time And Space, the center of all God's work on earth - how dare these lazy publishers not listen? How dare these apostates accuse them of being frauds? Who do they think they are?

    Eventually, something's got to give.....


  • oppostate

    If we look at other religions and their corrupt leadership we may also wonder when something has got to give.

    But yet... Televangelists still rake in the $$$. The Catholic Church still pays out the $$$ to the abused.

    The Amish still dress in 18th century styles, and the Mormons still believe in their pseudo-historical crap.

    People are duped into monetarily supporting religious leaders who make them act and behave in wacky ways.

    Instead of thinking about religious institutions being not-for profit we may well think of them as for-control, and for-power.

    The more power the organization enjoys the more it can withstand. The more powerful the leaders the harder to make them fall.

    The only advantage in bringing them down is that all humans are fallible, (including the Pope), and we, humans, all make mistakes.

    And a series of bad mistakes could take down a powerful organization.

  • moshe

    I wonder, if the GB have ever had meeting where they were totally honest about their feelings of doubt?--Nahh, I don't think so..

  • redvip2000

    I think this decline some of us sometimes predict and even secretly (or not) wish, is not going to happen. At least not in an abrupt way.

    I'm convinced that most of us will pass while the watchtower will still be here - maybe we a few less people (maybe more) and a few more embarassing skeletons in the closet, but they will be here.

    The fact is that the type of people who make the brotherhood will always exist. There will always be a section of the population which perhaps because they are not bright, or because they are gullible, or uneducated, or maybe because they are desperate and see the paradise bliss as the way out, will continue to believe in this facacta religion. And this is the issue, the people. The same way there will always be men and women who despite being cheated on continuously always forgive and forget, because they are too weak , too dumb, or unwilling to perhaps assert themselves.

    The best we can do is to keep exposing and alerting people to the "real" truth, so that they are empowered to make decisions.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Accorging to CoC, they whisper among themselves about wrong interpetations.

    There's not many annointed older men left who will qualify. Who's going to run the ship? Probley grooming some that aren't annointed and come up with some weird new light to justify this...

    What used to work in the past (if we wait long enough, no one will notice) I don't think will work much longer. There are loud murmers taking place. I'm sure they're freaking out. Since they're really not sure about their own predictions anymore, it seems they're desperatly stockpiling loads of money/stocks-hedge funds/taking KHs from congregations/keeping congregations left over fund money/charging high rates for KH renovations/ getting rid of properties/dipping toes with UN for extras, etc.

    Many are hoping God will clean house, but it doesn't seem like that's going to's already seems as though God is embarrasing them......and will continue to do so since they stubbornly continue with their head strong corse....

    Ha, my question is. If the GB now know they're NOT despensing spirit inspired information, how can they trust they're annointed??

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