If you faded or left the "truth" again, wd you do anything differently?
by soiledumpling 20 Replies latest jw friends
I would have done it 10 years earlier, and I would have faded, not gotten d/f.
If I knew what I know now, I would not have confronted anyone with the information I found out, as it did not get anywhere. Rather, it would have been better to prime people with innocent questions over a longer period of time.
Ty JW facts...sometimes I think us Faders get called out around here, and I know I get frustrated alot and feel like a DF or DA would just be easier, but I know long term goals and trying to attain some distance takes time.
Well, when I was a teenager. I stopped my JW Dad to read apostate material from Moody Moss from Chicago, I think. I tore up the apostate papers for him. I was wondering if I let him read everything, maybe things will be different back then. He is still a JW elder. Oh well.
I would have had deep meaningful discussion on "certain" topics with family and close friends before DA. Maybe request help from them in a research on 607BC that I needed help with, something innocent but something that might make them think and look deeper or/and understand why I finally DA myself. This is the only thing that I would have done differently because once you're out even if you talk to them, their cult appears goes up like a wall and they won't hear a word you're saying but if you're still on the inside they might be willing to do some thinking to help with your "research."
Joined the Ministeral School and worked my way up to giving a public talk, then used my own outline on "The Truth about The Truth".
But seriously, I probably wouldn't have gotten into any discussions with my mum. I think it broke her heart that she now thinks of me as "apostate" because of some of the questions I asked.
Assuming your question means that I wake up to "the truth" at the same point, but know how the first fade worked out, then the things I would do differently would be to JUST WALK AWAY RIGHT AWAY instead of resigning as an elder then doing a 7-month fade. My efforts to break thru to my wife didn't work and I left for my own sanity. I would not play any games of hanging around with some false hopes.
I also would have gone to a counselor sooner. I waited nearly 2 years from my resignation to start that.
Black Sheep
I would stay unbaptised so that the pressure was on them to get me to baptised.
Act like SuperDub, potting every weak Dub for every slip up.
Tell HHs that Jehovah is going to turn them into bird food if they don't join out church and make sure I have literature that says that in my bag to offer them. If my partner tried to reign me in I would accuse him of being weak in the faith and tell him to grow a pair and preach the message like it really is. Jehovah kills babies, get over it.
I wouldn't stop asking questions and demanding sensible answers until my parents told me that they were now apostates and were trying to get me out.
I would not have been so open with my questions, it got me nowhere and I am now treated by my JW family as though I am DF'd or DA'd, when I am simply a fader.
I walked away, it wasn't so much of a fade as a disappearing act, and of course the rumour mill went in to overdrive and most JW's I see when I'm out scuttle off pretending not to have seen me, not that I'm heartbroken about that, but it is awkward for me to know how to, and even if to, approach them.
Fade, say nothing, is what I would do now.