If you faded or left the "truth" again, wd you do anything differently?

by soiledumpling 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • dozy

    " I would not have been so open with my questions, it got me nowhere and I am now treated by my JW family as though I am DF'd or DA'd, when I am simply a fader. "

    Exactly my situation as well. I rather naively felt that I ought to have conversations with family members & elders & give them a reason as to why I was resigning as an elder & stopping going to meetings. In virtually every single case my confidentiality was breached , what I said was twisted & I was gossiped about and now am shunned by all my JW family , even though I'm not DFd or DAd.

    The one thing I would do differently is not say anything to anyone , even well meaning elders / parents / family members , and certainly never put anything in writing or say anything that could be used against you in any way in front of 2 witnesses. I would stick to a very plain vague line ( such as "I am working through a few issues at the moment and I don't want to discuss it" or , if legitimate , focus on a specific issue "disturbed about paedophilia in "the truth" / stumbled by a JW etc).

    I also probably would have bitten the bullet a few years earlier as well. Putting the decision off just makes things worse in the long term. Best to get the cancer cut out earlier.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    With hindsight and coming to this site I have discovered that the way I faded was the most successful way to do it.

    Move and don't register with the new KH.

    It could have turned out so differently for me if I had come out mentally first and then stopped going to the meetings. The local JWs have no idea who I am or that I am apostate.

  • blondie

    For sure I would have done it 20 years earlier and kept my spouse out. But now I know I never will go back; I graduated

  • nugget

    I would have done it sooner but I never regret having done it.

  • finallysomepride

    i would have done it in 1982 not 2002, and been much more vocal about it to my family

  • transhuman68

    I should have burnt more bridges. When you are young you have nothing to lose....

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Went through hell with our loving bethel PO about 20 years ago and should have made a break for it then. Probably still would have thought it was "the truth" though.

    Again, about 10 years ago, I realized that 607 wasn't when Jerusalem was destroyed and put that on the back burner awaiting further "proof". . .

    So had about two really good opportunities that I passed up. Oh well.

  • outsmartthesystem

    If I didn't have family to worry about....I'd sit down with the elders and my 130 pages of material on 607BC and ask question after question just to see them squirm. Yes....they would DF me but it would be worth it to watch them visibly struggle to shut off the critical thinking that my questions would ignite

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    I should have offically DA'd myself, then I wouldn't have been busted for smoking when I faded.....I would only smoke once in a great while and some ass saw me and ran to the elders.....ha.....I wasn'' t even smoking at the time I got called in......I didn't even know why they wanted to see me......all they wanted me to do was repent and I wasn't going to be muscled into repenting on a dime......I'm kinda stubborn that way.....

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    As much as I wish I would have faded 20 years sooner, at least I've faded now and am getting on with life.

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