I recall a JW telling me that.... "they" meaning scientists, had done study's on lions in zoo's and discovered that if they gave lions straw and grass to eat that the lions became very passive and no longer showed predator behavior??? Now they never explained who "they" were, or were these "study's" had been done or why based on these study's lions are not now fed grass etc Has anyone else heard this for real? or is it a JW urban myth?
Lions eating straw....is this possible?
by highdose 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
of course it is thats why god made them with sharp teeth. have a looknat a horses mouth, hes got fang like teeth!
Amelia Ashton
I recall a JW telling me that.... "they" meaning scientists, had done study's on lions in zoo's and discovered that if they gave lions straw and grass to eat that the lions became very passive and no longer showed
predator behavior???
I heard this given as an answer to a Watchtower question about 10 years ago and everyone seemed to accept it as fact.
I am pretty sure it is a myth as carnivores generally have different nutritional requirements to herbivores. But that is just my opinion with only minor consideration of the limited facts already inside my tiny little mind.
I will research it later if I have time.
Black Sheep
It's complete rubbish. That's why you have to hit them up straight away and ask them to prove it.
They won't find support for it anywhere. The myth was cabbages during WWII when I heard it. "They had really nice shiny coats!" "Tra la la" Off to fairy land.
No problem!
You can test it out.
I can do it myself! Next time my cats are due for a meal I'll go and pick them some nice juicy grass.
I'll let you know what they think.
herbavores have longer intestines than carnivores. im pretty sure ive also heard that herbivores sometimes have multiple stomaches unlike carnivores.
Witness My Fury
Cats do eat grass occaisonaly, but it's never going to sustain them as a long term diet in "the New System", as they dont have several stomachs and the needed enzymes and bacteria to break down celulose. They seem do it for the extra vitamins not present in meat and for the extra roughage it provides... and maybe just for the hell of it, (why do lots of us eat bits of paper?)
True black sheep, I always ask for proof, who said it, where it was reported. Usually it is some nameless witness 3 people back. Cats eat grass for digestion but they still eat meat.
Black Sheep
I thought cats ate grass to help vomit up bones and fur. I don't know if the big cats do that.
I read an article somwhere which was alerting Veggies to the danger , and cruelty, some of them were inflicting on their pets by trying to keep them on a veggie diet.
If I can locate it I will post it, it struck a chord at the time as I remembered the JW story, and this article mentioned that in an emergency, just for a short time, it did work to stop the animal from dying, but it went on to list the health problems and kind of death the animal would suffer if long term vegetarianism was enforced.
Carnivores evolved to be thus, it would take a million years, and lots of painful deaths, and a lot of genetic fiddling to get them to eat straw.