Lions eating this possible?

by highdose 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dogpatch

    Phizzy is right on:

    Carnivores evolved to be thus, it would take a million years, and lots of painful deaths, and a lot of genetic fiddling to get them to eat straw.

    I have a lot of vegetarian and Vegan friends (remember I'm from the 60s generation). Not to cause an argument, but for many tens or hundreds of thousands of years man evolved into a carnivore. Why? Because it was a healthier diet for survival at the time, and still is.It will likely shift in a few centuries.

    I don't really have to eat much veggies or carbs, though it may make me healthier due to the added vitamins and good contents. I also take good vitamins and "green" drinks. But IMHO, and experience having colitis, I have never had any problem with meat and never get sick. I do eat veggies but most of them I am allergic to unless they are cooked (citrus fruits are an exception - I have no problem with them). I do like most vegetables, but they give me infinitely more problems in digestion, heartburn, etc. than meat (not junk food meat but healthfully prepared - I can't eat any processed or even restaurant food due to the excess salt and other bogus ingredients like yeast extract). I must fix ALL my own food, which is unfortunately more expensive than junk food. Low salt, low in aggravating spices.

    I also take high-quality probiotics because I have candida along with my colitis, allowing NO WHEAT, YEAST, SOY SAUCE or TOFU, or really anything fermented heavily, like strong cheese. All the things I love to eat (bread is #1).

    This is not my choice or phiilosophy. When you are nauseating for three days and wishing you would die for relief of a tightly closed stomach (location of ulcer: near stomach) even water bloats me and will not eliminate during those times), you don't write scholarly papers on it. But if I follow my regiment (fix all my own meals, no packaged foods, pizza, or canned foods which ALL contain yeast extract, I am asymptomatic).

    I often wonder just how much evolution is behind this. I first got the colitis about 20 years ago by taking massive doses of repeated antibiotics, which destroyed all bacteria in my stomach, good and bad.

    Food for thought. :-))


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks TD. Do you know if the "loyal JW" got a reply?

    It is so galling the way the Watchtower claims to be humble but when it comes down to publicly admitting they screwed up, they just brush it under the carpet and hope no one notices.


  • talesin

    Not only are cats carnivores (yes, they eat greens for digestive purposes), but they need taurine in their diet, or they will go blind. Taurine cannot be had from a vegetarian diet. So, it's a lie.


    EDIT: Oops, I hadn't read the whole thread,,, sorry to repeat that, TD.

  • talesin

    Randy --- me, too! also caused by massive doses of antibiotics. I follow the specific carbohydrate diet (no grains or soy, and NO processed food, either), and man, I MISS PIZZA AND PASTA!


  • BluesBrother

    I have never heard the anecdote about lions in a zoo fed on veggie. I do not recognize it as being in print ....Long before I left the dubs, or stopped believing in a New World, I had worked out that the vegetarianisation of all animals just could not be literally true. It was crazy !

    Thanks to T D (above) for providing his usual insight and knowledge. I can now explain what straw is - therefore they must accept that the verse is not literal , so it is NOT literal...

    Just for the record and to give the WTS the chance to have their say - this is what they printed :

    Awake 1982 10/8 p 11

    "Yet, what about the features of animals and humans that are used for maiming and killing? Since God created a vast variety of different features, many of them could be adapted to the new situation to help in survival.

    For instance, most animals would continue to eat vegetation, as is the case down to this day. An example is the powerful gorilla, with its awesome fangs—fangs still used to rip and consume heavy vegetation. But others adapted themselves to eating flesh. Yet predators make up only a very small percent of the animals.

    Man, too, has adapted. In his imperfection and waywardness, he often uses his mind and hands to maim and kill. He has even cannibalized other humans for food. And his teeth can be adapted to eating meat, though that was not included in his diet in Eden.

    But what of the “balance of nature”? If there was no killing, how would this be maintained? For one thing, it was man who was to live forever on earth. That promise was not given to animals. They would die when their life span was completed.

    Also, many animals have built-in mechanisms that reduce their fertility when overcrowding occurs. And this is without God’s direct intercession now. Surely, when God’s time comes for all the earth to be brought back into that peaceful Edenic condition, it will be no great thing for the Grand Designer of animals and humans to control their numbers without violence.

    An example of how God can subdue the violence in animals was the peace that existed among beasts and humans for about a year in Noah’s ark.

    Keep in mind that what exists today is not what it was like in the paradise of Eden. That environment was vastly different. Many foods were likely different. Probably the animals with hardier teeth had rougher food. Their teeth were designed for that.

    Certainly there are questions that cannot now be answered about the exact conditions in Eden. But this does not argue that there was no Designer"

  • thetrueone

    Anything is possible in mystical story telling ........ Anything

    Trying to create a sense of rational logic out these stories is an effort of useless futility.

  • MeanMrMustard
  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    A favorite JW anecdote is the fact that the big cats in some zoos were fed a vegetarian diet during the Second World War when meat was scarce.

    I very much doubt that there is anything factual about that anecdote. The importance of taurine for cats wasn't known until the 60s, so they wouldn't have known to add it in an attempt at a veggie based diet during the war years.

  • redvip2000

    It's also very interesting how God built Lions and Tigers with body, claws, fangs and temperament, to be agile killers.

    I'm sure once he finished creating such marvels of meat eating, he told them " Go now, and munch on those fine dandelions" ;)

  • TD
    I very much doubt that there is anything factual about that anecdote. The importance of taurine for cats wasn't known until the 60s, so they wouldn't have known to add it in an attempt at a veggie based diet during the war years.

    I think you're right. I've never seen a credible reference personally. (My comment above was quoting the JW veterinarian) I've read about zoos like the Tiergarten Schönbrunn running short of meat and trying alternatives, but they suffered terrible losses.

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