Carrying a gun out in service

by Blind_Of_Lies 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    @Charikio - I'm with you on this one. But then I need to remember the American pre-occupation with violence. And that fact that Americans are always right*.

    *typically the "constituion" is cited as evidence to support their "rightness".

  • AnneB

    I remember articles that gave sad examples of people being hurt or killed by guns kept in the home. I remember an article stating that a JW could not carry a gun as part of employment; that one was particularly memorable as there was a deputy Sheriff in our congregation and he had to choose between WT and his job.

    Is it really the case that WT has not come out and said don't carry guns in field service or other WT-related activities (conventions, etc.)?

  • Chariklo
    *typically the "constituion" is cited as evidence to support their "rightness".

    The American constitution is dealing with all citizens, isn't it? We're talking about Jehovah's Witnesses.

    My point is that Jehovah's Witnesses are not supposed to be violent, are supposed to endure violence rather than pay it back in kind, even, I understood, to the point of death, though not of course seeking it.

    The American constitution therefore isn't relevant here, nor whether citizens should carry firearms. That's for the uS to decide. They do it one way and we do it another. (Who has the more gun crime...well, to us over here the answer seems obvious, but it's not our country, nor is it the point at issue here.)

    My point is that if Jehovah's Witnesses teach that they shouldn't defend themselves then they shouldn't defend themselves. Period, the Americans would say, or for us, full stop. If you shouldn't do it you shouldn't do it, with a gun or knife or laser zapper, ray gun or anything. I am not saying that for everyone, I'm not saying I think it is desirable in the abstract, you understand. Just that this is what Witnesses preach, and so they should surely practise it. Shouldn't they?

    What am I missing here? I cannot understand any way in which it could possibly be OK within JW rules.

  • passwordprotected

    The American constitution is dealing with all citizens, isn't it? We're talking about Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The Watch Tower Society is an American corporation.

    The people on this thread who are advocating the carrying of fire arms are American.

    American citizens are brainwashed into believing their nation is always right, and their constitution - under which they live - asserts their right to bear arms. Therefore, American Jehovah's Witnesses, regardles of whatever religious creeds they hold to, are utterly susceptible to the idea that, while claiming to be pacificts, walking around with a gun is absolutely acceptable.

    And as can be seen by Marvin's comments, there's no point in trying to disagree with them. They're American, after all.

  • Razziel

    Jehovah's Witnesses aren't pacifists, and don't claim to be pacifists. They are allowed to defend themselves.

  • Blind_Of_Lies

    I thought JW's were in a pacifist religion, no violence, don't give back in kind etc. The DVD giving their history has moving testimony from an elderly JW who was a boy in the '30's or '40's telling how he had endured persections and beatings without retaliating.

    I just do not understand how carrying firearms, let alone using them, could not be the rankest and most blatant hypocrisy.

    JW’s are peaceful but not pacifists. We have a right to defend ourselves against harm as does any living person. Don’t think for a second that people who chose to legally carry a gun do not take that seriously. As a witness I knew that if I did shoot someone I would not only have to defend myself in a court of law but also against a room of elders.

  • botchtowersociety

    Scottish citizens are brainwashed into believing Americans are brainwashed. They won't carry guns as they walk around in skirts whilst carrying purses. No point in trying to disagree with them. They're Scottish, after all. :wink:


  • Glander

    This would not be cool but I'm sure it would get attention

    If I were that Scotsman I would not be dangling my paltry junk where they could be mocked and ridiculed.

  • transhuman68

    LOL, I didn't notice that guy's junk hanging below his kilt.... I was looking at the beer.... honest!

  • Notreadytorun

    OMG LOL WTF!!!!!

    "only in america" (JOKE!)


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