Blood transfusions are legal in America and in Britian but a JW can't have one in either country, even to save a child's life . "Blood is sacred, life is in the blood and its against God's law to use if for any purpose" yadda yadda. But a JW in the U.S, carrying a gun with the intent to kill another human, if need be, is perfectly ok but in Britian it's not only illegal but it's also immoral for a JW to do so. Where's all this unity we hear about ?
Some here in America feel that if guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns. But it seems to me a society that has a zero tolerance toward anyone owning or carrying a firearm is far more civilized and the odds of one encountering a lunitic with a gun at a door,shooting ones self, having ones child take their gun to school or having one's head blown off in a traffic altercation, are far lower if not non existent.