Memorial Invitation official first day today

by OneDayillBeFree 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    If you have received too many invitations from the sales desk, here is an idea for the afternoon to enjoy with your kids:

  • ssn587

    I got mine too and definitely told them i won't be coming, they were surprised and mentioned that others had missed me and them too. told them no you haven't mine phone nr. is still the same i haven't moved a no one has been by to see how we are, so no you haven't missed me.

  • blond-moment

    I am curious if I will get one. Wonder if I have made the big bad apastate list around here. To invite or not to invite, can she be "corrected" invite....if she can't she may...partake! gasp!, don't invite. haha.

  • lilbluekitty

    I think I'm going to keep an eye out for them and then actually answer the door (for once, I usually hide) and tell them "I converted to Christianity, so I'm not going, instead I'll be going to my church for Easter to see Handel's "Messiah" being performed and the Stations of the Cross" then watch their eyes get all huge. LOL.

  • smiddy

    I haven`t received one these past couple of years ,I think I`m blacklisted apostate


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I wonder if anyone will dare approach our house to bring us an invitation. We got a card in the mail on Thursday inviting us to a congregation get together tomorrow - Just Ron called and declined.

  • jamiebowers

    I didn't get one, but jws have only stopped by here three or four times in the 9 years we've been here. I received a witness phone call a while back, so my house may be marked as apostate.

    I'm so sorry for all of you that were forced out in service today. I slept late, spent the rest of the morning drinking coffee and talking to my husband and stepdaughter, and then set up for my second granddaughter's fifth birthday party. We had a bunch of people here, ate, opened presents, sang Happy Birthday, had cake and ice cream, and then everyone went outside to play on granddaughter number three's four wheeler while my husband and I took a glorious nap.

    It was a very nice day.

  • Blind_Of_Lies

    I would expect to receive one from each side of our family, my parents and my Mrs parents. They will be ignored as always. We will also probably get one stuck on our door as well. I find them amusing to read. Each year they are worded a bit differently either mopey or sappy usually. Oh the drama

  • Miles3

    Just trying to help: has it occured to any of you preaching just for the sake of not being counted as inactive that you could just stay home, and write whatever number you fancy on your report at the end of the month?

    You could even start regular pionneering for what it's worth, it's no more tiring than adding a 0 after the fake hours you already report. Fake preaching or fake reporting, what's the difference?

    SPOILER: Jehovah doesn't give a fuck.

    SPOILER: He doesn't exist. Honest.

  • clearpoison

    Just got mine, must read what they say, but not really now, later.


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