Memorial Invitation official first day today

by OneDayillBeFree 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb


    I still "go out" because I'm in a small conned-green-nation, people notice, and my mom rides me like a rented donkey about going in service more, so I use these campaigns to throw the hounds off the scent. Month to month though, I stay "active" by just writing down a number and then telling everyone I "informal" witness; I know its all just a numbers game, so I give them a number, and for the record, unless someone answers the door and takes the invite, I don't leave one at the door; when we blanket the territory we usually go to doors alone, so I just pretend I left one.

    I'm just doing what I gotta do to survive, for now.

  • Miles3

    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb, try taking a personnal territory, preferably near a library or a place you can stop and study, read a book and relax. "Preach" by yourself at different times than circus meetings, and you can use that time for your homewok/etc. Then on Saturday morning, you obviously have to do your homework that you couldn't do during the week because you were "preaching" so much.

    Just have some good experiences to relate to your mom from time to time, and don't forget to take some Asleep! before going out and disposing of them before going home - mom will be so happy to see your zeal and the blessings from Jar-Hoover! You can even run by her some of the objections you got in field circus and ask her to help you research the subjects!

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb


    Thanks for the advice, but I'm an adult that doesn't live at home; however I am close to my family and also live close to my family. My father and I own a business together, so hard as I may try, my parents still know every Goddamn move I make. This is the reason for more covert ops, and don't worry I've quite an arsenal of tactics up my sleeve; believe me too when the time is right I'll hightail it outta this stoopid cult.

  • Miles3

    If I was still in maybe I'd promote myself to pionneer, lots of magazines, books (all waste straight from the Borg's pocket haha!) and a few studies... just for the fun of it... refuse all the offers to reach out in the congregation... that would puzzle them (and cost the Borg for the books)! Plus, ensure that some territories are never preached...

    I mean, if you've got to stay for a time, might as well make the most of it.

  • cherry_zhyr

    CHRISTIANS are commanded to observe the Memorial of Christ’s death. This observance is also called “the Lord’s evening meal.” ( 1 Corinthians 11:20 ) What is so significant about it? When and how should it be observed?

    Jesus Christ instituted this observance on the night of the Jewish Passover in 33 C.E. The Passover was a celebration held just once a year, on the 14th day of the Jewish month Nisan. To calculate that date, the Jews evidently waited for the spring equinox. This is the day when there are approximately 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. The first observable new moon nearest to the spring equinox marked the beginning of Nisan. Passover came 14 days later, after sunset.

    Jesus celebrated the Passover with his apostles, dismissed Judas Iscariot, and then instituted the Lord’s Evening Meal. This meal replaced the Jewish Passover and therefore should be observed only once a year.

    The Gospel of Matthew reports: “Jesus took a loaf and, after saying a blessing, he broke it and, giving it to the disciples, he said: ‘Take, eat. This means my body.’ Also, he took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: ‘Drink out of it, all of you; for this means my “blood of the covenant,” which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.’”— Matthew 26:26-28 .

    Some believe that Jesus turned the bread into his literal flesh and the wine into his blood. However, Jesus’ fleshly body was still intact when he offered this bread. Were Jesus’ apostles really eating his literal flesh and drinking his blood? No, for that would have been cannibalism and a violation of God’s law. ( Genesis 9:3, 4 ; Leviticus 17:10 ) According to Luke 22:20 , Jesus said: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf.” Did that cup literally become “the new covenant”? That would be impossible, since a covenant is an agreement, not a tangible object.

    Hence, both the bread and the wine are only symbols. The bread symbolizes Christ’s perfect body. Jesus used a loaf of bread left over from the Passover meal. The loaf was made without any leaven, or yeast. ( Exodus 12:8 ) The Bible uses leaven as a symbol of sin or corruption. The bread therefore represents the perfect body that Jesus sacrificed. It was free of sin.— Matthew 16:11, 12 ; 1 Corinthians 5:6, 7 ; 1 Peter 2:22 ; 1 John 2:1, 2 .

    The red wine represents Jesus’ blood. That blood makes valid the new covenant. Jesus said that his blood was poured out “for forgiveness of sins.” Humans can thus become clean in God’s eyes and can enter into the new covenant with Jehovah. ( Hebrews 9:14 ; 10:16, 17 ) This covenant, or contract, makes it possible for 144,000 faithful Christians to go to heaven. There they will serve as kings and priests for the blessing of all mankind.— Genesis 22:18 ; Jeremiah 31:31-33 ; 1 Peter 2:9 ; Revelation 5:9, 10 ; 14:1-3 .

    Who should partake of these Memorial emblems? Logically, only those in the new covenant—that is, those who have the hope of going to heaven—should partake of the bread and the wine. God’s holy spirit convinces such ones that they have been selected to be heavenly kings. ( Romans 8:16 ) They are also in the Kingdom covenant with Jesus.— Luke 22:29 .

    What about those who have the hope of living forever in Paradise on earth? They obey Jesus’ command and attend the Lord’s Evening Meal, but they come as respectful observers, not partakers. Once a year after sundown on Nisan 14, Jehovah’s Witnesses observe the Lord’s Evening Meal. Although only a few thousand worldwide profess to have the heavenly hope, this observance is precious to all Christians. It is an occasion when all can reflect upon the superlative love of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.— John 3:16 .

  • time2keepmoving

    *sigh* Glad I won't be there this year.

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