Anybody have any information on what that's all about (B.C) ??
Special Meeting for Certain Congregations Only ??
by Poztate 32 Replies latest jw friends
Every congregation has a Special Talk (same outline) after the Memorial...the next Sunday I think. "Is It Later than You Think?"
"Is the end closer than you think?
"Tell us, when shall these things be [?]" (4 min.)
This week we commemorated the death of Jesus s we have concentrated on honoring Jehovah God and were reminded of the intense love he felt for us even though we are sinners (Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:9)
We approach the end of this system of things as Jesus foretold.(1 Cor 11:26)
The fascinating prophecy of Jesus in Mark 13:1-4 has long been a subject of great interest and speculations.
This prophesy is composed of several features to enable his disciples to identify the evil world of Satan [read Mark 13:8]
The prophecy has two fulfillments: one in the first century and another in ours
Let's examine five of the traits mentioned by Jesus
1)"Nation against Nation and kingdom against kingdom" (w08 15 / 5 13 P 7) since 1914 more that 100 million people have died because of wars
2)"There will be earthquakes in one place after another" (w11 1 / 5 4)
3) "There will be food shortages" (w11 1 / 5 5)
4)"There will be pestilences in one place after another" (Lu 21:11; w11 1 / 5 6) There will be "increasing of lawlessness" (Matthew 24:12)
5)The lawlessness, wickedness or evil, is a blatant disregard for divine laws and principles, many people no longer believe that adultery or homosexuality are a sin (Isa 5:20; W02 1 / 3 9 p 8)
We have just mentioned five aspects. What do you think? Are we living in the LAST days?
These aspects are becoming evident as never before.
We do not know how much more time Jehovah s will offer (2 Cor 5:18-20; w98 15/12 17 18 p 9-11)
What we do know is that the wicked will be destroyed [read 2 Peter 3:11, 12]
We should ask ourselves: "Am I really showing that I truly believe that the time left is reduced" "(1 Cor 7:29-31) Do I act in harmony with that knowledge leads to eternal life on earth in Paradise? Do you like the idea? Then you must act accordingly. Jehovah's Witnesses will gladly help you.
Where once you were an active servant of the Lord, endorse the words of 1 Peter 2:25. There are many reasons why a person becomes inactive (w08 15/11 13-15. 5-13). Accept help, so you can resume your service. Let the Word of God and our Christian publications to help you enhance your spirituality (Ps 119:105) Do not forget that you have the wholehearted support of the congregation (1 Peter 5:2; w08 15/11 16 19-22)Nu m. 181-S 6 / 11
In earlier times, God sent prophets to his people to remind them what they should do and warn them for divine judgments (Amos 3:7). Today, Jehovah uses his anointed servants to remind us. The anointed tap into the power that the Word of God gives them to complete their missions. We should try to show the same zeal.
It is crucial that "we pay more than the usual attention to the warnings" (Heb 2:1; Lu 21:34-36). In the past, many ignored the warnings of destruction and reacted when it was too late. Armageddon is so close now it is overwhelming. There is less time than what we think! Do you realize how little time there is?
It is through our prayer that we find safety in the embrace of the Lord, our Great Shepherd (Isa 40:11)" -
This is a meeting of a number of congregations at an Assembly Hall. (B.C.)
It is by invitation only. If your congregation was not invited stay away.
It is nothing to do with the special talk and is later in April
I think it might have a piped in talk from "somebody important"
wha happened?
another keeping the rank and file busy meeting, with a little "your also priviledged" as it was invite only.
another keeping the rank and file busy meeting, with a little "your also priviledged" as it was invite only.
Yeah...It must be so exciting to them. Maybe it is just a need for extra cash (is there ever enough)
They might be targeting the richer (or dumber) congregations $$$$$$$$
I remember invitation meetings only. They make you think it's going to be so exciting---special---after all, not everyone is invited! But then it's just the same old bullshit you always hear. That won't stop everyone from getting all exicited thinking there will be something new.
It's happening throughout the States too but not everyone from the selected congregations are invited. Only folks with so many years of least from what I heard. You need a ticket to get in the meeting.
You need a ticket to get in the meeting.
No tickets as far as I know but if "God" didn't invite them I am sure they will stay home.
Don't want to get struck with lightning... LOL
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wha happened?
I remember these types of "special meetings" back in the day. I was invited to a few as my wife was pioneering back then. Same bullshit. Nothing to get excited about. Just like the special talks every year when they release a new outline. None of it means anything but as long as the rank and file feel priviledged, it's purpose was served