I have Muslim friends, you won't believe how IDENTICAL their thinking and policy is.
If I get them with a good question the first thing they ask is if I got the question from an anti Muslim website, full of ex Muslims, Jews and Christians in their mind. One guy recently told me the encyclopaedia brittanica was Zionist because the history of crucifiction disagrees with the Quaran.
I have had them tell me to be weary of opposing views to Islam from bias bitter ex Muslims, who in Islam under sharia law face death, as in actual death not JW pretend death. It happens, here, in the west. A film maker in Europe was stabbed through the heart, the female Muslim in his film was flown to USA to protect her. My Muslim pals talk of her as if she was the devil, despite the fact she was abused, her genitalia was circumcised (awful practice) and her leaving Islam stemmed from escaping a forced marriage to ger cousin. Muslims call her a liar because she lied to the European country she fled to in order to escape her family. She is HATED by Muslims because she airs the dirty linen of real Muslim life for a female.
Muslim apostasy and anti-apostasy is akin to JW's only not as pre leant and you have to be very vocal to get noted.
I spoke to a famous ex Muslim atheist, she is quite famous and I hope to invite her to my university for a talk next year.
Snare x