Yes andy, I agree. Exclusive Brethren are actively opposed to those who leave and I have heard accounts of them denouncing ex-members from inside their closed church meetings. The attitude towards ex-members in Exclusive Brethren and now some sects of Islam view other sects of Islam make the JWs look like teddy bears...
Is there any religion that has so much anti-apostate focus as JWs
by yadda yadda 2 29 Replies latest jw friends
yadda yadda 2
Yeah but what I'm really asking if any other religion pre-emptively preaches against apostates so much as JW's. We know there are others that shun as equally as JW's but do those groups always bang on in advance about avoiding apostate ideas and thoughts in their publications and talks and assembly programme as JW's do? I would be interested in hearing any ex-mormons, ex-scientologists, ex-brethren on that.
I would be interested in hearing any ex-mormons, ex-scientologists, ex-brethren on that.
Good call. I doubt there are many of those around here though, probably all at or something like that.
Shame though, Because id like to hear it from them to.
Black Sheep
Yeah but what I'm really asking if any other religion pre-emptively preaches against apostates so much as JW's.
Yes. Absolutely yes. The WT is just one member of a genera of religions that do that.
Just because you, personally, haven't interacted with members of similar cults doesn't mean they don't exist. They do. I have met members of them. They think JW is just another harmless Xtian religion and that the church they were raised in is a cult.
You don't know what other cults preach in the privacy of their churches. Don't make assumptions.
I think Blone Moment got it right. The information age is clearly a big thorn in the side for ALL cults. And yes....they ALL preach the same things.
'WE are the only true religion and WE are the only ones directed by God. WE are telling you NOT to talk to or read anything from former members or anyone that is critical of US. All those ones are trying to do is destroy your everlasting future and ruin your relationship with God. '
So long as you buy into what they are remain imprisoned for life. Years ago (pre-internet) they didn't have to harp that much because of the lengths you would have to go to in order to actually talk with or read "apostate" material. Now it is just a click away so they simply MUST harp on it continually to try to scare the sheeple into following orders
yadda yadda 2: Your question is a good one. The best source of an answer may not be JWD but sites that are specifically devoted to ex-members of specific groups such as Scientologists, Mormons, 7th-Day Adventists and the like.
I would say Scientologists pursue ex-members legally and vice versa with some passion.
The Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation was paranoid, hostile and bristling with rage.
But, this led (eventually) to a Catholic Reformation. So, I'm sure it was worth the tens of thousands tortured, maimed and destroyed.
Catholics called their Apostates "heretics".
The JW's have to own their own word, of course.
I call it "The Perfect Storm".
After a hundred years of the screwball JW dog and pony show, when they are grasping at straws to play the old "Armageddon is upon us!" card, when their own bedrock doctrines have to be seriously re-worked or outright dis-owned due to simple math, they suddenly become extremely paranoid over criticism. Their fragile bubble of control is now almost solely based on the cruel fist of shunning. ...all this at a time when everyones has private and secret access to information (such as this very site) and un-supervised discussion of the facts.
Man the lifeboats!
I was thinking Scientologists too and Mormons too. These are the most common EX boards on line. Pentecostals excommunicate folks .
The Baptist and Methodist seem to be the most well adjusted folks around here and the ones who are our community leaders. The Baptists in this area seem OK with other religions as long as they are Christian religions. If you leave Christianity, there would be calling you heathens.
just checked out an EX Pentecostal board and wow, look at the posting rules.