I don’t see problem- prostitution and brothels are legal in Australia, and where I used to live and work in Melbourne there were brothels on both sides of the highway- it was as easy to get sex as it was to get a haircut- probably would take the same time too. As long as the girls aren’t illegal immigrants or sex slaves its all cool. Just think ethics- who is hurt by your actions? …. and what difference does it make either way?
Sex, the Disabled and the Terminally Single
by bigmouth 52 Replies latest jw friends
The problem with making these things illegal, is the same for making any other thing that people are going to do anyway illegal. It lays the groundwork for violence and abuse. It's an industry that can only attract people that are willing to break the law. Just like drugs. They are illegal in the US, so it is very dangerous. Who are you going to call if a pimp or john beats you up? This is forcing people to stay hidden and stay silent. It also makes it profitable to recruit or force vulnerable people into the business.
I watched a documentary that looked at teenage prostitutes. It was astounding. These girls had left home for whatever reason, and got caught up in it without thinking it through. Most resorted to drugs to deal with the stress, so they had raging addictions to support. They were quite young. But when the police get involved, they treat the girls like criminals, jail them, give them lifelong records, then release them and throw them back out there to start the cycle again--and they were underage.
Sooooo you have a situation where these children are charged with sex crimes for having sex with adults---when one neighborhood away it would be the adult getting charged with molestation in this situation. It's crazy. They charge the children then they throw them back out there to be molested some more. I realize the problem is complex, and you can't always help these kids get control of their actions, but they don't even try.
If it were legal, it could be regualted, it wouldn't be some dark alley thing that attracted the vulnerable who basically live as slaves.
Lady Lee
I don't see the problem as whether the prostitution is illegal or not.
The issue for me is why on earth should tax dollars go towards a person with any sort of disbability to pay for sex. The opening post referred to anyone who was too disabled, too unattractive, too sick or too mentally incapacitated to find a sexual partner.
These are some of the crazy scenarios I see in my head with this kind of thinking:
Person goes to social worker to see if he/she can get some of this money:
- You see how I look? No one wants to be with me because I am so ugly so can I have some money for a hooker so I can get some.
- You see how fat I am. I can't reach down there to satisfy myself. I want some money to pay for some one else to do it.
- I can't afford to pay for someone on my own to satisfy my sexual needs which are great and I am too disabled to find a partner who wants to have sex 3 times a day.
An allowance like this is ludicrous.
But worse in my mind is the loss of dignity that it brings to anyone who has problems in this area.
Money for those who are disabled, mentally or physically, is to pay for the neccessities of life. No one dies from not having sex. You do die if you can't afford food or shelter or heat in your home and in many cases medication.
Add to this how on earth would you get a doctor to sign off on a request like this. And yes if we want some extra money for something we have to get a medical doctor to complete a form saying it is an necessity.