At last....I made the connection with an old friend...who is a practising Pagan

by Pams girl 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • PaintedToeNail

    How wonderful for you! It sounds like you have some good times to look forward to!

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Thank you BP

    Thank you PaintedToenail, Im hoping to travel up to Yorkshire to see her sometime this summer x

  • Flossycat

    Beautiful, Pamsgirl. Know how you felt. I too am the nervy, anxious type. When I was a prostitute, (husband was my pimp), it was my 2 'worldly' friends who stood by me, took care of me, and loved me no matter what. And you know what else? Most of the girls I worked with showed more compassion, honesty and care about what I was going through, and how I felt, than the JWs. When the JWs found out (thought I'd make a go of it back in the org) while they were well-meaning, everything was conditional; you must stop this, judicial meetings, you must do that blah, blah - and when I didn't/couldn't, I was cast out. That's when my nonJW friends shone like pure white light through the darkness.

    You know, it was a clairvoyant witch who helped me enormously in getting refocussed. She was wonderful and helped me tremendously for many years. And her insights were so accurate - really amazing.

    Best wishes from Flossycat, Melbourne, Australia

  • talesin

    That is great to hear, Pams girl! It never hurts to be the first to make contact, and I hope the experience helped you feel less 'nervy' about such things. All they can say is 'no'.

    Now you have more fun, witchy times, to look forward to!


  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Thank you Flossy, for sharing your story x "Thats when my non-JW friends shone like pure white light through the darkness....." I love that.

    Im dusting off my old book of shadows as we speak Tal Yes, Im trying to get some sort of control over this 24/7 anxiety and effects every facet of my life. I wont give up on surrender commerade! So mote it be x

  • truth_b_known

    Pams girl:

    I am very happy for you. I, too, have reconnected with old and dear friends who were born-in Witnesses and then left the organization. One of them is also now a practicing pagan.

    I do not like the term "pagan" as it means "country dweller" and was used as an insult by christians towards those who practiced their native religion. Most of us can trace our ancestors back to someone who was not christian and was later converted by pain of death. I now honor my ancestors by wearing amulets of Odin and Thor.

  • ziddina
    "I do not like the term "pagan" as it means "country dweller" and was used as an insult by christians towards those who practiced their native religion. ..." truth_b_known

    There ya go...

    Personally, I prefer "heathen" over "pagan" - as Christopher Lee said, in "The Wicker Man" - the original and BEST version of that movie...

    And of course, I call myself a "Neo-PolyTheist" atheist, just to confuse everyone!!!


  • Morbidzbaby

    That's so wonderful, Paula!! I'm so happy for you!! I hope this is the first step in regaining your "old life" and, in turn, yourself!

  • Sapphy

    Thanks for sharing this Pam's Girl! It's really touching, made me well up.

    Good for you, you should be proud you were brave enough to reach out and I'm so pleased you've got a new/old friendship.


  • tornapart

    I have a pagan friend too Pam's girl. Even while I was a JW. We had a lot of other things in common and we both respected each other's beliefs. She was/is such fun.... always has me in stitches. :)

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