Are JW`s really bible based ? Can they really claim that ? In all honesty ?

by smiddy 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AnneB

    When something is "based" it only means that was the starting point; where it goes after that is up to the arranger. Sure JW's are "Bible based"; they started out using The Bible and ran with it. Where they are now is definitely not where they started, nor does it have to be, but they can still eithically make the claim. After all, they didn't begin with some other Holy Book then make a switch! They're "honest", they're just making more intelligent use of language than most of their critics and/or adherents.

    Smiddy, my suggestion is that you work really hard to break the mental link between "Bible" and "scripture". Once that's accomplished there will be more work to do on "scripture", but it won't be truly productive until you really grasp that WT/JW's have (either artfully or ignorantly) combined two different constructs into one web of "Truth".

    Sincere best wishes,


  • mP

    lying about whats written in the bible by way of interptetation has been used before the bible was completed. mt twisted many scriptures to show jesus was spoken about in the ot, like micah 5:2.

  • steve2

    AnneB - your response was excellent. In the space of a few sentences you discussed key distinctions between terms and did so in a nicely expressed way. A memorable post! steve2

  • extractor

    Absolutely not. "Based" implies Bible first, beliefs second.

    They come up with their own balony. ie. "No birthday parties." (because extended families are getting together and telling our victims that we're full of crap.) So then they search the scriptures for some way to excuse their non-sense.

    "Doctrine" first, Bible second. Even their NWT is based on their doctrine.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I would not make a big deal about the Witnesses not being Bible based. They do, however. They are WTBTS based. Most Witnesses know precious little about the Bible. They never read consecutive verses but skip around between Old and New Testaments. Tell me what wacko doctrine you want to prove by jumping around in the Bible and I will give you verses to prove it. The problem is reading for comprehension, context, and genre.

    I was raised that their Bible knowledge is perfect. My family was in from the beginning with Russell. Growing up, I heard about Christmas and birthday celebrations. The anointed being only a small number of the original Bible Students. Armageddon should have arrived many decades ago. My mom knew family friends who sold all their assets and climbed up a mountain to meet Christ. They were completely broken when they descended.

    Since I left, much has changed. I stopped around 1968. When I came to this forum tons had changed. The culture had not changed.

  • smiddy

    I thank you one and all for your responses . I pose a question to get a different perspective than the one I offered , I feel I am continually learning this way


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