Generation teaching:
-1927 = The Anointed[Watchtower February 15, 1927 page 62]
-1942 = Anyone alive to see 1914[Watchtower July 1, 1942 page 204]
-1995 = Wicked People alive today
[Watchtower November 1, 1995 page 19]
-2008 = The Anointed[Watchtower February 15, 2008 page 24]
-2010 = Overlap Generations of the Anointed since 1914
[Watchtower April 15, 2010 page 10]
The 2010 "overlap" is perhaps due to their 2008 backspin to "The Anointed" 1927 teaching. In part, it may have served to help show that it is "new light", and not "old 1927 light" being recycled. I really believe they don't think things through very well, and often have a knee jerk reaction. Some may have complained that "The wicked poeple alive today" felt too indefinite and they needed to limit the time in the members' eyes. So the suggestion of making it "The Anointed" was brought (back) for emphasizing again to the members that the end is 'very near'.
Then maybe some person or persons (Perhaps in part thanks to the internet), brought out how "The Anointed" is already exposed as "old light" and the concern that many would either see it as such, or couple it with the notion that the 'original' "The Anointed" understanding consisted of the 1914 generation only, in many members minds.
They needed to clean up the mess and fix it... Or so they thought that is what they were doing with "overlapping generations" as being the new notion.
In any event, I would like to know the full blown details of much of their messes, which I'm sure most will just take to their grave. It's amazing though, how many just go along with the directive from the Watchtower...Myself included...for over 30 years. I know they vote and the history in general of the powers that be, but relating to 'today' - say the last 20 or so years, how they keep fooling or convincing themselves what the current 'understanding' should be for the organization. It's mind-numbing, hillarious and sadly pathetic, all at the same time.