imho paul is a composite, i find it particular strange that he changed names, after all why does it matter? the name change as i see it might have been to have some believe paul of tarsus was actually somebosy else. we have seen similar tactics where the catholics changed the story of mary just a bit so all followers of isis in egypt became part of the church. with one small change and entire network network of church properties and clergy became part of the catholic church under its control. the costs were minimal, the old properties, idols and all didnt need any changes. the scriptures about jesus having brothers were ignore which wasnt hard as most common ppl didnt have their own copies and couldnt read anyway.
funnily enought pauls trip to rome, shipwreck, journey path, key people are not uniquely his. exactly the same trip occured to josephus.
another interesting religious character who was very popular at the time was apollonius of tyana. strangely he too performed miracles, and also lived much of his life in tarsus. hee too went to arabia and the east. on his return he travelled to exactly the same places as paul, preaching to everyone. was sauls name changed to paul so appollonius followers would think they were the same person ?
another interesting thought i have wondered how exactly did paul persecuteearly members of church? with what autyhority and what ,troops? back then there were many groups of judaism, pharisees, gnostucs, essens and i think saducees. the fact is only josephus had military authority and he as a traaitor could and would have known who and where to persexute the militant jews.